[Your name here]. US Juvenile Justice Early History Only adult system exist. No special protection for children. Young people treated like adults. Young.

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Presentation on theme: "[Your name here]. US Juvenile Justice Early History Only adult system exist. No special protection for children. Young people treated like adults. Young."— Presentation transcript:

1 [Your name here]

2 US Juvenile Justice Early History Only adult system exist. No special protection for children. Young people treated like adults. Young criminals prosecuted like adults. Neglected and delinquent children handled.

3 1800s Child-Saver Movement Reformers of 19 th century House of Refuge Children’s Aid Society, Mostly Caucasians from upper class. Mostly female but headed by males. Members mostly from organized religion.

4 1800s Child-Saver Movement Took children out of alm houses. Stood against child labor Demanded provision of public education Restricted young people's freedom and autonomy. Disenfranched young people’s rights.

5 First Juvenile Court 1899 – Juvenile Court Act of Illinois Help of Jane Addams Civil Court Influences from Parens Patriae and Child-Saver Movements. Courts to serve as school to teach juveniles.

6 First Juvenile Court Separate court for juveniles created. Different institutional facilities and court proceedings. Distinction between delinquent and neglected youth. Focused rehabilitating juveniles. Focused on protection and guidance of juveniles.

7 Parens Patriae The State as parent Rights to parental care Concerned with the protection of children. Treatment and rehabilitation approach. Children can be molded and corrected.

8 Parens Patriae Influence to US Juvenile Court Development Minors have no legal capacity. State has right to intervene with juvenile’s life. State responsibility to protect children when their parents fail to give due supervision. Juveniles requires different treatment.

9 Changes in the Legal Rights of Juvenile Offenders Right to counsel Right to appeal one's conviction. Right to trial by jury. Right to have punishment consistent with the seriousness of the crime. Right to confront witness

10 Indiana Codes To cross-examine witnesses;.To obtain witnesses or tangible evidence by compulsory process. To introduce evidence on his own behalf. Represented by counsel. Refrain from testifying against himself. Confront witnesses.

11 Conclusion First Juvenile Court establishes through the Juvenile Act. Parens Patriae and Child-Saver Movement influenced creation of first Juvenile Court. Juvenile Court System separated juveniles from adult court system. Provided protection to juveniles. Laws and juvenile offenders legal rights continue to change.

12 References Children and the state: the development of institutionalization. Retrieved November 24, 2008 from http://homepage.mac.com/brenn/Child%20Savers.html Juvenile Court history. Retrieved November 24, 2008 from 16 th Judicial Circuit Court of Jackson County Website: http://www.family-court.org/history.htm Juvenile justice: a century of change. Retrieved November 24, 2008 from http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/178995.pdf Rights of Juvenile Offenders. Retrieved November 25, 2006 from http://www.in.gov/history/files/rtsofjuveniles.pdf The child Savers. Retrieved November 25, 2006 from http://ice.prohosting.com/~unmediat/platt1.html The First Juvenile Court. Retrieved November 25, 2008 from http://www.360degrees.org/timeline/era7/era7_h.html

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