Poliomyelitis The definition of poliomyelitis : The Polio is an abbreviation of poliomyelitis, from Greek polios, "gray," and muelos, "marrow," meaning.

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Presentation on theme: "Poliomyelitis The definition of poliomyelitis : The Polio is an abbreviation of poliomyelitis, from Greek polios, "gray," and muelos, "marrow," meaning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poliomyelitis The definition of poliomyelitis : The Polio is an abbreviation of poliomyelitis, from Greek polios, "gray," and muelos, "marrow," meaning "inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord.".

2 Cause The polio virus spreads by person to person contact. Contact: infected mucus,phlegm,infected feces,nose, and mouth. Once the virus is in contact with your body it enters through the mouth and nose. The virus multiplies in your throat and intestinal tract once entered the mouth and nose. The virus spreads itself through the blood and lymphatic system. The development of the disease takes about 5 to 35 days in range and in average 7-14 days. The risk of having polio is you lack immunization against or exposure to polio. The virus would probably go to places that already might have a polio outbreak. The most common people to get are,children,pregnant woman, and elderly’s. Once they made the polio vaccine less people were diagnose with poliomyelitis. enters Spreads

3 Symptoms 1. The first kind of polio you can get is Subclinical Infection, 95% of people get it and there are no evident signs or symptoms for it and the symptoms only last about 72 hours Symptoms: uncomfortable, headache, red throat, slight fever, soar throat,and vomiting. 2. The second kind of polio is Non paralytic Poliomyelitis. The symptoms stay for about 1 to 2 weeks, and the condition is affected by paralysis. Symptoms: Back ache, diarrhea, tired all the time, headache, irritability, leg pain, feverish, muscle stiffness,spams anywhere in your body, neck pain or neck stiffness, pain in the front of your neck, pain or stiffness in the back, arms, legs, and abdomen, next skin rash, and vomiting. 3. The third and last one is called Paralytic Poliomyelitis. The people diagnosed with paralytic poliomyelitis have fever for 5 to 7 days before symptoms appear and their affected with paralysis. Symptoms: abnormal sensations, bloated feeling, breathing difficulty, constipation, in the beginning it’s difficult to urinate, drooling, headache, irritability or poor limper control, muscle contractions, muscle weakness which come on quickly and the location really depends, sensitive to touch, stiff neck and back, swallowing difficulty.

4 Treatment Treated on severity of the disease and the symptoms There are antibiotics for urinary tract infections For urinary retention, there is a medicine called Bethanechol. For muscle pain, there is moist heat. There are pain killers for headaches, muscle pain and spasms. Physical therapy is used to recover muscle and pains. Orthopedic surgery is used to recover muscles and strength functions.

5 Complications The complications you could get while having polio are: aspiration pneumonia, core pulmonic, high blood pressure, kidney stones, lack of movement, lung problems, myocarditis, paralytic ileus, permanent muscle paralysis, disability, pulmonary edema, shock, urinary tract infections.

6 Prevention / Epidemiology The best prevention is the inactivated Polio Vaccine or IPV which was also called Salk Vaccine. The developer of the vaccine was named Dr. Jonas Salk. He invented it because from the 1840 to the 1950’s the polio was a worldwide epidemic. The vaccine contains 3 kinds of polio viruses. It was originally grown in monkey kidney cells but know it is on human cells. The clinical trials of the IPV were started in 1954 and the results were dramatic :the cases of polio in the vaccinated test groups fell amazingly so the permission to distribute the IPV was granted by the U.S government in 1955. But in 1987 a new polio virus was introduced that was grown in human cells not monkey kidney cells. It contained greater antigenic content from the original vaccine. The second kind of polio vaccine you can get is the Oral Polio Vaccine. It was developed in 1958 by Dr. Albert Sabin. He took advantage of the wild type of polio in the monkey’s kidney epithelial cells. The commonly used form for the vaccine is trivalent.

7 Definitions Immunization= against a disease Paralytic Ileus= loss of intestines function Epidemic= affecting many people

8 Websites Staff, Mayo Clinic. "Polio - MayoClinic.com." Mayo Clinic. Web. 15 May 2011.. "Polio Vaccine." Brown University. Web. 15 May 2011.. "Poliomyelitis - PubMed Health." Web. 15 May 2011.. "Google Images." Google Images. Web. 15 May 2011..

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