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St. Peter’s – The Vatican St. Peter’s Basilica is in Vatican City (its own country, located within Rome, Italy) Largest interior of any Christian Church.

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Presentation on theme: "St. Peter’s – The Vatican St. Peter’s Basilica is in Vatican City (its own country, located within Rome, Italy) Largest interior of any Christian Church."— Presentation transcript:

1 St. Peter’s – The Vatican St. Peter’s Basilica is in Vatican City (its own country, located within Rome, Italy) Largest interior of any Christian Church in the world (218 m long nave) Considered one of the holiest sites for Catholics Tradition & historical evidence indicate it was built on the burial site of St. Peter (who died in 64 AD) – the apostle considered to be the first Bishop of Rome, therefore first Pope of the Church. The first Church was ordered to be built of Vatican hill by Emperor Constantine in 349 AD. The new Church was begun by Pope Julius II in 1506 – architect Bramante began the design and it was completed by Michelangelo. Various Popes throughout history have had artists decorate St. Peter’s and its surrounding buildings, mostly during the Renaissance and Baroque art periods.






7 Beware the fashion police! No bare shoulders or knees, especially at St. Peter’s.


9 38. Michelangelo Buonarroti. “Sistine Chapel Ceiling.” (1536- 1541 AD) Frescoes. Pope Julius II told Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling (private chapel of the Pope and Cardinals) - the artist insisted that he was a sculptor. The ceiling took 4 years to complete – done on his own, using scaffolding. Michelangelo uses trompe l’oeil (trick of the eye) - particularly for the architectural elements and “sculptures” painted in verdaccio (monochromatic under painting) Theme: The history of mankind before the coming of Christ (in both Christian Biblical and non- Christian traditions)

10 The Creation of Adam (one scene of the Sistine Chapel) Below: before restoration Right: after restoration (1989)

11 38. (cont’d) Michelangelo Buonarroti. The Last Judgement. (1536-1541) Fresco. Painted much later – commissioned by Popes Clement VII & Pope Paul III Theme: mankind’s inevitable fate and God as the absolute judge of humanity’s destiny Inspired by the Book of Revelation as well as Dante’s Divine Comedy & Virgil’s Aeneid Michelangelo includes the portrait of one of his critics by featuring him in hell Daniele di Volterra had to add loincloths to cover up some figures’ nakedness - Church decreed that artworks need to be modest

12 My husband’s really bad video in the Sistine Chapel… (so sorry)

13 39. Raphael Sanzio. “The School of Athens.” (1510-1511 AD) Fresco.

14 This fresco (wall painting) is in the Pope Julius II’s private library. Raphael was inspired by Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling paintings. The image shows various Greek philosophers discussing issues gathered in a place of learning that looks a lot like St. Peter’s basilica Many of the figures are famous Renaissance people (eg. Plato is a portrait of Leonardo da Vinci). What other Renaissance features can be seen?  1 point perspective used  influence of humanism

15 40. Michelangelo. “Dome of St. Peter’s.” (1546-1564 AD) Michelangelo was also a well-respected architect - designed the dome for St. Peter’s as it’s reconstruction was being completed. Features alternating solid spaces and double-columns, with gabled windows The basilica's dome is the world's largest: 42 m in diameter and reaching 138 m high (more than 450ft) Had to be completed by Giacomo della Porta after Michelangelo’s death Became a model for many other domes: e.g. St. Paul’s in London, the Invalides in Paris and the Capital in Washington D.C.

16 Interior view of Michelangelo’s Dome

17 Views from the roof of St. Peter’s Basilica: Outside and Inside


19 Climbing up the interior of the dome to the lantern…


21 41. Bernini. Baldacchino. (1624-33AD) bronze. Inside St. Peter’s, Vatican. a sculpted bronze canopy placed over the high altar of St. Peter’s basilica located directly below the crossing and Michelangelo’s great dome designed to mark the burial tomb of St. Peter, directly in the crypt underneath features twisted columns decorated with laurel and olive branches and mixed capital columns features symbol of Pope Urban VIII who commissioned it (the Barbarini Bees) the bronze used was taken from the interior ceiling of the Pantheon in Rome


23 Extra Images…

24 Bernini. Piazza and colonnade of St. Peter’s. (1657 AD) Vatican. Bernini was commissioned to design these two free-standing colonnades to make the Piazza (square) welcoming to pilgrims visiting St. Peter’s. Bernini compared these to the “welcoming arms of the Church,” meant to enclose and draw the faithful in.


26 Michelangelo. “Pieta.” (1499-1500 AD) Marble. Carved when he was about 20 years old. Admired for details, volume, and emotion of subject. The Pieta is protected behind glass inside the right wing of St. Peter’s Basilica to avoid direct contact with the public.

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