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Cat SVMS 72.

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1 Cat SVMS 72

2 Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Felidae Genus: Felis Species: F. catus The cat (Felis catus), also known as the domestic cat or housecat is a small, furry, domesticated, canivorous mammal. Cats have been associated with humans for at least 9,500 years, and are currently the most popular pet in the world. Cats are now found almost everywhere in the world. Cats are similar in anatomy to the other felines with strong, flexible bodies, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. As nocturnal predators, cats use their acute hearing and ability to see in near darkness to locate prey. Not only can cats hear sounds too faint for human ears, they can also hear sounds higher in frequency than humans can perceive. This is because the usual prey of cats (particularly rodents such as mice) make high frequency noises, so the hearing of the cat has evolved to pinpoint these faint high-pitched sounds. Cats feed on small prey, primarily birds and rodents. Feral cats and house cats that are free-fed tend to consume many small meals in a single day, although the frequency and size of meals varies between individuals. Domestic cats select food based on its temperature, smell and texture, strongly disliking chilled foods and responding most strongly to moist foods rich in amino acids, which are similar to meat.

3 Skeleton of a cat (SPVM S72)
8 7 12 5 18 13 9 14 10 4 3 19 20 2 11 6 21 27 1 Femur Patella 15 17 16 22 23 30 31 28 29 32 24 26 25 1. Mandible, 2. Nasal bone, 3. Canine tooth 4. Zygomatic bone, 5. Frontal bone, 6. Temporal bone, 7. parietal bone, 8 Occipital bone, 9. Atlas, 10. Axis, 11. Cervical vertebrae, 12. Thoracic vertebra, 13. Scapula, 14. Thoracic vertebrae, 15. Sternum, 16. Ribs, 17. Costal cartilages, 18. Lumber vertebrae, 19. Sacrum, 20. Wing of the llium, 21. Head of the femur, 22. Fibula, 23. Tibia, 24. Tarsus 25. Metatarsal bones, 26. Phalanges, 27. Humerus, 28. Ulna, 29. Radius, 30. Carpus, 31. Metacarpal bones, 32. Phalanges.





8 Caudal view of a cat skeleton
1. 2. 3. Sacrum Lumbar vertebrae Wing of the ilium Femur Fibula Tibia Tarsus Metatarsal bones Phalanges 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


10 Dorsal view of a cat skeleton
1. 2. 6. 3. 4. 5. 7. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 10. 12. 8. 11. 9. 13. Frontal bone of the skull Zygomatic bone Sagital crest Atlas Axis Scapula Lumber vertebrae Femur Tibia and Fibia Patella Tarsus Metatarsal bones Phalanges Thoracic verebrae Humerus Ulna Radius Carpus Metacarpal bones

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