The Role of Prices in Peer-Assisted Content Distribution Christina Aperijis Michael J. Freedman Ramesh Johari Presented by: Kyle Chauvin and Henry Xie.

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of Prices in Peer-Assisted Content Distribution Christina Aperijis Michael J. Freedman Ramesh Johari Presented by: Kyle Chauvin and Henry Xie."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of Prices in Peer-Assisted Content Distribution Christina Aperijis Michael J. Freedman Ramesh Johari Presented by: Kyle Chauvin and Henry Xie October 14, 2009

2 Roadmap  Bilateral Exchanges  Multilateral Exchanges  Role of Prices  User Incentives  Dynamics  PACE  Simulations  Results  Conclusions

3 General Idea  Peers are both demanders and suppliers.  Goods are non-rival and easily divisible. Necessary for P2P content distribution?  Role of prices P2P Content Sharing  Care about efficiency, robustness, dynamics, simplicity, practicality.  Usually done via bilateral trade. In Practice

4 Model Set of Agents N Set of Files F = F i (supply)  T i (demand) Transfer Rate (file f from i to j) r ijf Exchange Ratio  ij = r ji / r ij Upload Capacities BiBi Download Rate d if =  j r jif for all f Utility V i (d i )

5 Bilateral Optimization Problem Agents Solve

6 A Coincidence of Wants … 1234

7 … Is Coincidental 1234

8 Augmented Model Set of Agents N Set of Files F = F i (supply)  T i (demand) Transfer Rate (file f from i to j) r ijf Exchange Ratio  ij = r ji / r ij Upload Capacities BiBi Download Rate d if =  j r jif for all f Utility V i (d i ) Price pipi

9 Multilateral Optimization Problem Agents Solve

10 CORE  Must respect  ij for all j  S  Agents must strictly benefit, but can still interact with S c  CORE vs. Collusion Weak Core CORE Strict Core

11 Multilateral vs. Bilateral  Simpler  Equilibria don’t always exist  If exist, not necessarily efficient Multilateral  Outcomes in CORE  Pareto efficient  Equilibria always exist  Trust Bilateral Equivalent when  Exchange ratios are ‘fair’:  ij = p i / p j  Bilateral with |T i | = |F i | = 1, and in CORE

12 Role of Prices  One Price per Peer (PP)  One Price per File (PF)  One Price per File per Peer (PFP) Goals  Find market-clearing prices  Efficiency and robustness  Fast convergence to equilibrium  Congestion  Link prices What to price? Network Topology

13 User Incentives  Economic intuition  No market power if  d > B i /  k j=1 B j Prices are Incentives  Provide upload capacity  Share high-value content  Be truthful  More market power?  Uploaders create uploaders  Seeders Size Effect and Market Power Rare Files

14 Dynamics  Matching of downloaders to uploaders  PP is fast and simple Price Discovery   Price if excess demand   Price if excess supply  Eqm: Demand = Supply  Can trade before equilibrium is reached  Equilibrium reached faster  Asynchronous download/upload  Tradeoff between performance and simplicity Peer Discovery Multilateral vs. Bilateral

15 PACE: Basic Components  Allows user to submit list of desired files and a savings rate  Requests downloads to maximize product of file- level download rates Sell Client  Manages prices p 0 s and p 1 s for local and global networks by equating supply and demand Buy Client

16 PACE: Meta-Level Components  Manages price for network links not controlled by users Rendezvous Service  Coordinates buy clients searching for files  Oversees transactions and keeps registry of users (authors imagine most banks will be centralized around a content distributor) Network Price Service Bank

17 PACE: other concerns  Security:  Ensuring payments are made from buyers to sellers  Coordinating users and centralized banks  Sybil attacks and collusion  Monetary policy  How to incorporate new users

18 Simulation Analysis  PACE incentivizes freeloaders to still upload  PACE encourages use of local network connections Setup  Large tree-like network with 500 peers  Compares PACE and BitTorrent algorithms  PACE allows for scarce but sought-after files to be transferred more quickly One File Two Files

19 Freeloaders Freeloaders Pay A Price

20 Concluding Remarks  Why do we not see more multilateral implementations?  Has PACE been implemented?  What are the implications for non-filesharing P2P systems?  Legal concerns  Malicious users and spread of bad files

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