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Introduction Un-resolved Threats = Why are we here? Communication & Collaboration =

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2 Introduction Un-resolved Threats =

3 Why are we here? Communication & Collaboration =

4 Population overview Captive Eastern Bongo, outside USA and Europe – Europe and N America are 2 big continents with a well structured regional population strategies and support systems via TAG’s, EEP’s and association based support. – Practicality: – Import restrictions – Transport distance – Meteorological differences – Disease management

5 Eastern Bongo in the ME Current Collections: Al Bustan Zoological Centre MNC Maktoum Wildlife Riyadh Zoo

6 Middle Eastern Bongo Population

7 Historical

8 Studbook Lydia Bosley “This effort is in need of financial support and by spreading the word to all bongo holders worldwide via the international studbook, the hope on the part of the studbook keeper is that contributions will be encouraged by the dissemination of these important news.” Lydia Bosley, Bongo International Studbook Keeper studbooks/bongo

9 Origin 2 Biggest populations in the UAE from Pony Creek Texas 7/11/2006. – Studbook info: None Response from the previous owner (Jim Barry) after requesting info (14 emails later): “Thanks I will send info on bongo as retrieved” After a long silence an another set of emails. The answer: the information is not available.


11 African Collection

12 Japan & Taiwan Collection

13 Malaysia Collection

14 Australian Population

15 Representation Middle East 75% represented with the apart from for Riyadh Zoo. – Message from Peter De Chellis: “Please accept my apology for not attending the 1st Interregional Eastern Bongo Collection Workshop. the situation in Riyadh with the rain has made it almost impossible for me to leave”

16 Australian Zoo’s “Unfortunately with only eight weeks lead in until the proposed date I am not sure that the zoos targeted (all government based) in our region would be in a position to amend budgets and apply for ministerial permission to travel in time. Please keep us informed into the future on any other plans. You may find that using the regional association office as a means of communicating with members? This way we can put you in direct contact with the Directors and General Managers who are responsible for decision making on such attendance. With kind regards, Chris Hibbard | acting Executive Director ZAA”

17 Asian Zoo’s Taman Safari: “Thank you very much for the opportunity to me too, but I don't think I can attend the meeting, since we don't have any budget for the program this year. In spite of all of the accommodation is sponsored by the organizer. However, we still prepare for the transportation to go there. I hope, we still have another opportunity to attend the workshop in the next future. Best regards, Amy”

18 Goals Regional collection Plan Inter-regional collaboration Information sharing Linking with In-situ Conservation Assisting & involvement

19 Regional Collection plan Every individual count! Accurate records, essential Guidance from Studbook and EEP & regional association Private collections must get involved. 90% of the bongo population in Arabia in private collections.

20 Inter-regional Collaboration Regional collection Plan Involvement of all Arabian Collection Involvement of AAZA Guidance Studbook, EEP, TAG and regional based association Experts Regional Associations level of communication Regional assassin level of communication Sharing of information

21 Population trends 20112013 MNC4. Maktoum Riyadh Zoo0. Al Bustan Zoo

22 In-Situ Conservation From: UPDATE BSP – February 2013

23 The link Institutional Collection Regional Collection plan Inter- regional collaboration In-Situ Conservation Communication and guidance from studbook, EEP & experts

24 Be a forum for Information sharing Studbook request: “As for topics to present to the group, – I am always interested in any bongo health problems and particularly in the issue of splaying in newborn calves; any time this happens the calves have a difficult time surviving and I encourage bongo holders to be prepared for bongo births and to be on the lookout for this problem. – Another suggestion might be to encourage locations to consider the idea of displaying bachelor herds to provide exhibit space for surplus males. – I think it is essential for bongo holders to support the wild population in Kenya, I am glad to know that Paul will be there to present and discuss this topic. best wishes, Lydia Bosley, Bongo Int'l. Studbook”

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