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Trinity College Dublin Trinity College Dublin – At Belfast Master in Conflict Resolution.

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1 Trinity College Dublin Trinity College Dublin – At Belfast Master in Conflict Resolution

2 Trinity College Dublin

3 Translating God(s) As the societies of the European regions are faced with the tasks of reconciling pluralism, diverse and divided cultural memories, and social cohesion, religious traditions and cultures of faith are due renewed attention. Religious traditions in the Europe have long lasting issues and experiences of both, interreligious conflicts and interreligious dialogue, and cultures of faith have to face multiple intercultural and interreligious challenges in a fast changing religious landscape: Cultures of Faith in Europe Changing Religious Landscape

4 Trinity College Dublin Translating God(s) Due to complex histories, socio-cultural and political rivalries, inter-religious conflicts, etc., religious traditions often suffer from divided cultural religious memories of their peoples. Religious traditions, while drawing on different cultures of faith, also often compete with one another on differing theoretical, theological, philosophical, symbolic and imagery grounds. Due to global migration, Europe experiences an increase in the development of migrant-led religious communities from different religious strands, leading to formations of more hybrid and intercultural communities and multi-religious cultures, enhancing the society’s cultural and inter-religious stress and making interreligious coexistence a necessity. In all this, it is of importance to recognize the changing ways in which the religions, including their foundational texts and cultural-religious resources, have been interpreted and lived in their histories of reception and encounter with other cultures, suggesting that these will give important clues to their current potential for renewing the „will to live together“ and to tackle the intercultural and interreligious challenges. Cultures of Faith in Europe Changing Religious Landscapes

5 Trinity College Dublin Intercultural Theology & Interreligious Studies

6 Trinity College Dublin The Irish School of Ecumenics Dublin Belfast The Irish School of Ecumenics (ISE) is a specialist Cross Border School within Trinity College and has teaching sites in both Dublin and Belfast. Intercultural Theology & Interreligious Studies

7 Trinity College Dublin Translating God(s) This NEW Master takes up the intercultural and interreligious challenges of 21 st century religion and theology in Europe. 1.It pursues deep interreligious learning through Comparative Theology, with interreligious studies concentrations on Hinduism and Islam; Judaism, Christianity and Islam. 2.It studies World Christianity in Asia, Africa and the World of Islam and explores migrant-led churches from these areas in Europe. 3.It engages with the key themes of Christian Ecumenical Theologies across cultures of faith and in light of religious conflicts in Europe. 4.It explores the challenges facing Religion and Ethics in a Pluralist World and seeks to advance dialogue between religious and secular communities in Europe. The programme intersects and complements with the school’s training and expertise in international peace studies, conflict resolution, reconciliation, religion and international relations. Intercultural Theology & Interreligious Studies

8 Trinity College Dublin Translating God(s) Intercultural Theology & Interreligious Studies Bachelor World Religions & Theology Master track Interreligious Studies / Comparative Theology Master track World Christianity / Intercultural Theology Master track Christian Ecumenical Theologies Master track Religions and Ethics in a Pluralist World

9 Trinity College Dublin Required course modules Research Skills 10 ECTS European Intensive Programme Translating God(s): Intercultural Theology & Interreligious Studies 10 ECTS

10 Trinity College Dublin Translating God(s) European Intensive Programme in Intercultural Theology & Interreligious Studies Translating God(s)

11 Trinity College Dublin Translating God(s) This 10 ECTS Intensive Programme (IP) offers 60 post-graduate students from around 20 European universities a Theology & Religious Studies course in the new academic disciplines of Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies. Faced with Europe’s increasing crosscultural and interreligious identity, students will explore the ecumenical, crosscultural and interreligious challenge in the European regions for theology and religion today. The programme studies areas of ecumenical, crosscultural religious concerns and interreligious conflicts in different areas of Europe; it introduces students to the field of intercultural and interreligious / comparative theology; and it researches the impact of the studied areas and the new academic field for the academic discourses and reflection on religion, theology, and God-talk in Europe today. European Intensive Programme [10 ECTS] Translating God(s)

12 Trinity College Dublin Translating God(s) Intercultural Theology & Interreligious Studies Dublin, June 14-25, 2010 Translating God(s) 1

13 Trinity College Dublin Translating God(s) 2 Islam and Christianity in Southeast Europe European Intensive Programme Istanbul, April 26-May 10, 2011

14 Trinity College Dublin Basic I n g r e d i e n t s 1 programme for 2 weeks 4 thematic elements The Study of Religions in a Changing Europe Engaging the Other: Interreligious Historical and Comparative Theological Explorations Shared Religious Spaces Religion, Politics, and Power Struggles 20 European partner universities 60 students, 20 professors

15 Trinity College Dublin... more basic I n g r e d i e n t s Partner universities – Students in the programme 1 local coordinator+ 1 student per partner Student selection process Bi-weekly seminars to prepare selected students Students write 15-20 page essay until 1 month before IP Students present papers in parallel group presentations during IP Signed agreements with partner universities

16 Trinity College Dublin... more basic I n g r e d i e n t s Elaborate programme for 2 weeks 4 thematic elements elaborated with core team 3 lectures per day Group discussions Student research presentations (final essays or chapter of PhD dissertation) Website Student registration (fees: € 100 / W; € 50 / E) IP Venue – Accommodation / Meals – Cultural programmes etc.

17 Trinity College Dublin... more basic I n g r e d i e n t s Staff Coordinator and organisational core team in Dublin Core partner and organisational team in Istanbul IP Grant (Budget) Small organisation budget ~ € 8,700 Travel / accommodation / subsistence ~ € 50,000 Headaches “Breakfast only”: Amount for IP accommodation / subsistence support for students too small Travel reimbursement frustrations Additional fund raising necessary

18 Trinity College Dublin Translating God(s) 3 Fluid Religions and Orthodoxy European Intensive Programme Constan ţ a, Sept 9-21, 2012

19 Trinity College Dublin Trinity College Dublin – At Belfast Master in Conflict Resolution Thank you!

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