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From Grief To Growth finding meaning after a TBI Dr. Nancy Reeves Island Loss Clinic, Victoria B.C. Dr. Nancy Reeves Island Loss Clinic, Victoria B.C.

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Presentation on theme: "From Grief To Growth finding meaning after a TBI Dr. Nancy Reeves Island Loss Clinic, Victoria B.C. Dr. Nancy Reeves Island Loss Clinic, Victoria B.C."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Grief To Growth finding meaning after a TBI Dr. Nancy Reeves Island Loss Clinic, Victoria B.C. Dr. Nancy Reeves Island Loss Clinic, Victoria B.C.

2 Styles of Grief  Intuitive  Instrumental  Intuitive  Instrumental

3 Some Implications Personal Relationships with others Financial Change in Roles Change in Status Dreams and Expectations

4  Healing  Cure  Healing  Cure

5 Energy Management Model

6 Tools for Anxiety and Stress Reduction  Holistic - body, emotions, mind, spirit  Visualizations (for pain and relaxation)  Writing your journey  Thought-stopping  Holistic - body, emotions, mind, spirit  Visualizations (for pain and relaxation)  Writing your journey  Thought-stopping

7 Deal with Expensive Emotions  Anger becomes bitterness, hate, or vengeance  Sadness becomes despair or depression  Longing for healing becomes envy & jealousy  Healthy guilt becomes unhealthy guilt  Anger becomes bitterness, hate, or vengeance  Sadness becomes despair or depression  Longing for healing becomes envy & jealousy  Healthy guilt becomes unhealthy guilt

8 Working Through Guilt Reeves’ 3 step model  1. Listen to what the guilt is “saying”  2. Education or re-education  3. Reconciliation  1. Listen to what the guilt is “saying”  2. Education or re-education  3. Reconciliation

9 Finding Life Meaning  Develop symbols of healing, growth, new identity

10 Ann’s old symbols

11 Ann’s new symbol

12 Finding Life Meaning  Find affirmations that will comfort and guide  Find affirmations that will comfort and guide

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