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 Made in 1955  Directed by Nicholas Ray  James Dean starred as Jim Stark – Also in the movie “Giant”  Natalie Wood starred as Judy  Also in “West.

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2  Made in 1955  Directed by Nicholas Ray  James Dean starred as Jim Stark – Also in the movie “Giant”  Natalie Wood starred as Judy  Also in “West Side Story”  Sal Mineo starred as Plato  Also in “Giant” & “Escape From Planet of the Apes”  Dennis Hopper’s first role as “Goon”  Jim Backus starred as Frank Stark  Also Mr. Magoo and Mr. Howe on “Gilligan’s Island

3  Director rode around with L.A. Gangs for several months before shooting.  Actors wore chainmail and used real blades in the knife fight.  Myth that James Dean got malaria is not true.  Dean bruised his hand when hitting the desk in the police station.  Director is seen walking toward the observatory in the last scene.  Beginning originally had a gang beating up a father who dropped the monkey that Dean is actually seen with in the opening.

4  T-shirt sales rose after movie due to Dean.  Wood first considered too naïve for role.  Stark originally supposed to be more of a nerd at the beginning.  Alternative ending had Plato fall from the tower of the observatory.  Dean, Wood, and Mineo died young under tragic circumstances.  Dean died in a car crash.  Mineo was stabbed  Wood drowned.  In addition Edward Platt (Ray Fremick) committed suicide.

5  Dean improvised the first scene with the monkey.  Dean was originally unavailable due to “Giant” but Elizabeth Taylor got pregnant.  Living room of Stark house based on Director’s bungalow.  Originally supposed to be in black and white.  “You’re tearing me apart.” - #97 on 100 Greatest Movie Lines list.  Chickie run filmed at Warner Bros. in Calabasas, CA  Cars drove on flat land to a bluff only 10-15 ft. high  Cliff overlooking ocean built on sound stage  Stark is an anagram for Trask which was Dean’s character in “East of Eden.”

6  Frank Mazzola (Crunch) was an actual gang member of the Athenians.  Candles that Wood, Dean, and Mineo carry through the house were lit via a wire that ran through Mineo’s jacket.  Debbie Reynolds and Jayne Mansfield were considered for part of Judy.  Dean was actually 24 when he made the film, whose character was a teenager.  Part where Jim & Judy find Plato wearing one black sock was improvised.  Mineo put socks on wrong.  Original names were Jim, Eve, and Demo.  Name of the gang in the movie was The Kickaboo’s  Movie begins and end at The Griffith Observatory.  Hollywood sign rests behind it but can’t be seen.

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