Focus Text: Because of Winn-Dixie By Kate Di Camillo

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1 Focus Text: Because of Winn-Dixie By Kate Di Camillo
Close Reading Model Lesson From the Basal Alignment Project (BAP) & ACHIEVETHECORE.ORG Focus Text: Because of Winn-Dixie By Kate Di Camillo Facilitator: Christy Schwartz

2 Read and Annotate Underline the major points.
Circle keywords or phrases that are confusing or unknown to you. Use a question mark (?) for questions that you have during the reading. Be sure to write your question. Use an exclamation mark (!) for things that surprise you, and briefly note what it was that caught your attention. Draw an arrow (↵) when you make a connection to something inside the text, or to an idea or experience outside the text. Briefly note your connections.

3 Listen & Follow Along Underline the major points.
Circle keywords or phrases that are confusing or unknown to you. Use a question mark (?) for questions that you have during the reading. Be sure to write your question. Use an exclamation mark (!) for things that surprise you, and briefly note what it was that caught your attention. Draw an arrow (↵) when you make a connection to something inside the text, or to an idea or experience outside the text. Briefly note your connections.

4 Reread, Think, & Discuss Why was Miss Franny so scared by Winn-Dixie? Why was she “acting all embarrassed?” (p. 1) How did the Herman W. Block Memorial Library come to get its name? (p. 2) Opal says, “She looked sad and old and wrinkled.” What happened to cause Miss Franny to look this way? (p. 4) What were Opal’s feelings when she realized how Miss Franny felt? (p. 4) Earlier in the story, Opal says that Winn-Dixie “has a large heart, too.” What does Winn-Dixie do to show that he has a “large heart?” Opal and Miss Franny have three very important things in common. What are these?

5 Reread, Think, Discuss, & Write
The title of this selection is “Because of Winn- Dixie.” Using your answers from the earlier questions and class discussion, explain why this is an appropriate title for the selection. Be sure to clearly cite evidence from the text for each part of your answer.

6 In my classroom, these are printed back-to-back on card stock and laminated to provide scaffolding that supports students as they practice Next Gen. (CCSS) ELA Standards.

7 This is a rating scale that I use to assess whether students’ constructed responses meet the corresponding Next Generation (CCSS) ELA Standards.


9 Evaluating Text Dependent Questions for this lesson
Find the “Checklist for Evaluating Question Quality.” Work with a partner and use the checklist to evaluate the questions that go with this lesson. According to the checklist, which things do the lesson questions address really well? Is there a question that doesn’t measure up, according to the checklist? What is it lacking, and how specifically could it be improved? Please rewrite the question with your partner, and share the new version with us in the upcoming discussion.

10 Group sharing - Q & A Session
Share your checklist results. What was good about the questions, and were there any that you rewrote to make them more closely aligned? Share any “aha” moments that you had during this session. Share challenges and successes you’ve experienced when implementing close reading. Share the CCSS ELA “big picture” as you understand it. How and where will close reading fit into your instructional day? What standards does it address? Questions? Ask away! If I can’t answer right now, I’ll take your contact info. and get back to you when I find the answer. 

11 Resources Link to Join the Basal Alignment Project
Achieve the Core - CCSS Aligned Lessons, PD Modules, Videos, & More Fisher and Frey Website - CCSS Aligned Close Reading and Annotation Resources Shanahan on Literacy - Blog About CCSS & Close Reading

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