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APPLES, BANANAS, OR ORANGES.. WHY I DID THIS TEST So everyday at lunch, I always opened my lunch and said “HOLY COW IT FEELS LIKE THE SAHARA DESERT IN.

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Presentation on theme: "APPLES, BANANAS, OR ORANGES.. WHY I DID THIS TEST So everyday at lunch, I always opened my lunch and said “HOLY COW IT FEELS LIKE THE SAHARA DESERT IN."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHY I DID THIS TEST So everyday at lunch, I always opened my lunch and said “HOLY COW IT FEELS LIKE THE SAHARA DESERT IN HERE!!!!” so I wondered if I froze the fruit inside of my lunch would it make a difference? So here is my report! The average temperature is 50 degrees without any frozen fruit.

3 IS FROZEN FRUIT SAFE?  If fruit is frozen at a consistent 0 degree temperature it will always be safe to eat.  It slows the Molecules down and puts Microbes into a frozen-like state.

4 MY PREDICTION  My prediction is that apples are going to come out the coldest because apples are very big. Orange comes in second because (2 nd biggest fruit there) again same reason as the apple and its my favorite color. Bananas come in last because to me they cant take in as much air like the bigger fruits (to me at least) and its smaller so it wouldn’t freeze as much therefore it would be less cold.

5 B A N A NA  The banana did very well in my experiment it dropped the temperature to 46 degrees but it also turned a greenish-dark brown.  Sadly I could not eat the banana because it was to squishy so this one failed.

6 A P P L E  This one reduced the temp less than the banana, 43 degrees !  Yet it was to squishy to eat. It thawed and it was even more squishy then the banana!

7 O R A N G E  The orange was the won that worked! It tasted G-R-E-A-T! It was like a slushie!!!! It was delicious… also it kept my lunch the coldest. The temp was at 41 degrees.

8 ORANGE WON  Orange won because the orange was the coldest and I was able to eat it!

9 WHY I THINK ORANGE WON ○ Claim: I claim that the orange won because the orange stayed the coldest and I could eat it. Evidence: I used a thermometer to test at the exact same time each day with each fruit and recorded the temperature. Reasoning: Because the skin was very thick so it didn’t make the fruit inside squishy and the juice inside of the fruit froze so it was colder.


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