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Arthur Handman Executive Director, Greater Hartford Transit District Arthur Handman Executive Director, Greater Hartford Transit District WEATHER INFORMATION.

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Presentation on theme: "Arthur Handman Executive Director, Greater Hartford Transit District Arthur Handman Executive Director, Greater Hartford Transit District WEATHER INFORMATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arthur Handman Executive Director, Greater Hartford Transit District Arthur Handman Executive Director, Greater Hartford Transit District WEATHER INFORMATION NEEDS / REQUIREMENTS RESULTS Roadway and Railway Transit Perspective


3 Frozen Precipitation - General ConditionAction * Lead-time –Frozen PrecipitationMaintain safe Operator's transportation. Discretion –Freezing Rain/IcingClear tracks and 2-hrs power rails/wires. –Inclement weatherBus schedules 1-2 hrs leading to early altered. release of commuters –Snowfall/Drifting snowMobilize staff. 24 hrs (optimum) Stage equipment.8-hrs (minimum) * Accumulation and lead-time affect the decision process Frozen Precipitation - General ConditionAction * Lead-time –Frozen PrecipitationMaintain safe Operator's transportation. Discretion –Freezing Rain/IcingClear tracks and 2-hrs power rails/wires. –Inclement weatherBus schedules 1-2 hrs leading to early altered. release of commuters –Snowfall/Drifting snowMobilize staff. 24 hrs (optimum) Stage equipment.8-hrs (minimum) * Accumulation and lead-time affect the decision process WEATHER INFORMATION NEEDS / REQUIREMENTS RESULTS Precipitation

4 Frozen Precipitation - Specific Condition (Preparation) Action * Lead-time –Snowfall 0-2"Mobilize staff. Stage24-hrs equipment.8-hrs min. –Snowfall 2-6"Initiate appropriate action12-hrs plan. –Snowfall 6-8"Initiate appropriate action12-hrs plan. –Snowfall > 8"Initiate appropriate action12-hrs plan. * Accumulation and lead-time affect the decision process Frozen Precipitation - Specific Condition (Preparation) Action * Lead-time –Snowfall 0-2"Mobilize staff. Stage24-hrs equipment.8-hrs min. –Snowfall 2-6"Initiate appropriate action12-hrs plan. –Snowfall 6-8"Initiate appropriate action12-hrs plan. –Snowfall > 8"Initiate appropriate action12-hrs plan. * Accumulation and lead-time affect the decision process WEATHER INFORMATION NEEDS / REQUIREMENTS RESULTS Precipitation

5 Frozen Precipitation - Specific Condition (Execution) Action * Lead-time –Snowfall 0-2"Mobilize staff. Stage24-hrs equipment. Maintain Ops.8-hrs min. –Snowfall 2-6"Maintain Ops. HOVReal-time. restrictions removed. –Snowfall 6-8"Maintain Ops. Bus serviceReal-time. on snow emergency routes. –Snowfall > 8"Reduced operations. SnowReal-time. emergency routes. Suspend operations. * Accumulation and lead-time affect the decision process Frozen Precipitation - Specific Condition (Execution) Action * Lead-time –Snowfall 0-2"Mobilize staff. Stage24-hrs equipment. Maintain Ops.8-hrs min. –Snowfall 2-6"Maintain Ops. HOVReal-time. restrictions removed. –Snowfall 6-8"Maintain Ops. Bus serviceReal-time. on snow emergency routes. –Snowfall > 8"Reduced operations. SnowReal-time. emergency routes. Suspend operations. * Accumulation and lead-time affect the decision process WEATHER INFORMATION NEEDS / REQUIREMENTS RESULTS Precipitation

6 Liquid Precipitation - General Condition Action Lead-time –Heavy showersSpeed reductions Operator's based on precipitation.Discretion –Heavy precipitationMaintenance checks forOperator's roadbed washout.Discretion –Flooding Warn bus drivers. ChangeMinimal routes. Adjust schedules. Liquid Precipitation - General Condition Action Lead-time –Heavy showersSpeed reductions Operator's based on precipitation.Discretion –Heavy precipitationMaintenance checks forOperator's roadbed washout.Discretion –Flooding Warn bus drivers. ChangeMinimal routes. Adjust schedules. WEATHER INFORMATION NEEDS / REQUIREMENTS RESULTS Precipitation

7 Liquid Precipitation - Specific ConditionActionLead-time –Flooding Alter or delay rail schedule.1-hr Check pumps in flood prone areas (railway). Liquid Precipitation - Specific ConditionActionLead-time –Flooding Alter or delay rail schedule.1-hr Check pumps in flood prone areas (railway). WEATHER INFORMATION NEEDS / REQUIREMENTS RESULTS Precipitation

8 General ConditionActionLead-time –Severe ThunderstormDelay routes. Adjust Operator's schedules. Discretion –LightningCease refueling operations.Operator's Discretion General ConditionActionLead-time –Severe ThunderstormDelay routes. Adjust Operator's schedules. Discretion –LightningCease refueling operations.Operator's Discretion WEATHER INFORMATION NEEDS / REQUIREMENTS RESULTS Thunderstorms / Lightning

9 Air Temperature ConditionActionLead-time > 85 deg FCatenary problems Operator’s in older railwayDiscretion installations--reduce speed > 85 deg FMonitor personnel and 6-12hrs equipment stress, crew comfort and safety. < 32 deg FMonitor personnel and 6-12hrs equipment stress, crew comfort and safety. < 40 deg FTransport homeless to12-24hrs shelters. Air Temperature ConditionActionLead-time > 85 deg FCatenary problems Operator’s in older railwayDiscretion installations--reduce speed > 85 deg FMonitor personnel and 6-12hrs equipment stress, crew comfort and safety. < 32 deg FMonitor personnel and 6-12hrs equipment stress, crew comfort and safety. < 40 deg FTransport homeless to12-24hrs shelters. WEATHER INFORMATION NEEDS / REQUIREMENTS RESULTS Temperatures

10 Pavement Temperature - Precipitation Imminent ConditionAction > 32 deg FNo maintenance action. 30-32 deg F & wetApply liquid or solid chemical. 25-30 deg F & dryApply liquid or pre-wetted chemical. 25-30 deg F & wetApply liquid or solid chemical. 15-25 deg FApply pre-wetted solid chemical. < 15 deg FApply abrasives. Plow as needed. Pavement Temperature - Precipitation Imminent ConditionAction > 32 deg FNo maintenance action. 30-32 deg F & wetApply liquid or solid chemical. 25-30 deg F & dryApply liquid or pre-wetted chemical. 25-30 deg F & wetApply liquid or solid chemical. 15-25 deg FApply pre-wetted solid chemical. < 15 deg FApply abrasives. Plow as needed. WEATHER INFORMATION NEEDS / REQUIREMENTS RESULTS Temperatures

11 Type of obscuration to vision (fog, smoke, haze, glare) is not important. ConditionActionLead-time <1 mileRail speed reductions.Operator's (depends on speed andDiscretion length of train). < 1/4 mileBus speed reductions.Operator's Discretion < 1 mileInitiate alerts/warningsOperator's (VMS, etc). Discretion Type of obscuration to vision (fog, smoke, haze, glare) is not important. ConditionActionLead-time <1 mileRail speed reductions.Operator's (depends on speed andDiscretion length of train). < 1/4 mileBus speed reductions.Operator's Discretion < 1 mileInitiate alerts/warningsOperator's (VMS, etc). Discretion WEATHER INFORMATION NEEDS / REQUIREMENTS RESULTS Visibility

12 General ConditionActionLead-time Blown debrisClear routes. Delay Operator's operations. Discretion 60-65 mphBus operations Operator's suspended. Discretion General ConditionActionLead-time Blown debrisClear routes. Delay Operator's operations. Discretion 60-65 mphBus operations Operator's suspended. Discretion WEATHER INFORMATION NEEDS / REQUIREMENTS RESULTS Winds

13 General ConditionActionLead-time Unhealthy Ozone Action Bus fare reduction.24-hrs Days/Air Quality Indices General ConditionActionLead-time Unhealthy Ozone Action Bus fare reduction.24-hrs Days/Air Quality Indices WEATHER INFORMATION NEEDS / REQUIREMENTS RESULTS Pollution

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