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Ondrej Stastny Microsoft Premier Field Engineer Windows 8.1 Äpipäev.

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1 Ondrej Stastny Microsoft Premier Field Engineer Windows 8.1 Äpipäev





6 // create the data stream SpeechSynthesisStream synthesisStream; synthesisStream = await this.synthesizer.SynthesizeSsmlToStreamAsync(text); // start this audio stream playing = true;, synthesisStream.ContentType);;


8 public static async Task ConnectToDrone() { // Set up the UDP connection string remotePort = "5556"; HostName droneIP = new HostName(""); udpSocket = new DatagramSocket(); await udpSocket.BindServiceNameAsync(remotePort); await udpSocket.ConnectAsync(droneIP, remotePort); udpWriter = new DataWriter(udpSocket.OutputStream); }

9 public static async Task SendDroneCommand(string command) { udpWriter.WriteString(command); await udpWriter.StoreAsync(); }

10 // Strafe drone forward or backward at velocity in range [-1,1] public static string GetDroneStrafeForwardBackward(uint sequenceNumber, double velocity) { // Convert the ratio into a value the drone understands int value = FloatConversion(velocity); return CreateATPCMDCommand(sequenceNumber, "0," + value + ",0,0"); } // Return a full ATPCMD command private static string CreateATPCMDCommand(uint sequenceNumber, string command) { return "AT*PCMD=" + sequenceNumber + ",1," + command + Environment.NewLine; }




14 protected virtual void RegisterForPrinting() { // Create the PrintDocument. printDocument = new PrintDocument(); // Save the DocumentSource. printDocumentSource = printDocument.DocumentSource; // Add an event handler which creates preview pages. printDocument.Paginate += CreatePrintPreviewPages; // Add an event handler which provides a specified preview page. printDocument.GetPreviewPage += GetPrintPreviewPage; // Add an event handler which provides all final print pages. printDocument.AddPages += AddPrintPages; // Create a PrintManager and add a handler for printing initialization. PrintManager printMan = PrintManager.GetForCurrentView(); printMan.PrintTaskRequested += PrintTaskRequested; // Initialize print content for this scenario PreparePrintContent(); }

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