B ELL R INGER – 8/21 (Y OU ’ RE NOW BEING GRADED ON THESE !) TABLET/Smart Phone m.socrative.com – Room 38178 NO TABLET (or not working) There are Bell.

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Presentation on theme: "B ELL R INGER – 8/21 (Y OU ’ RE NOW BEING GRADED ON THESE !) TABLET/Smart Phone m.socrative.com – Room 38178 NO TABLET (or not working) There are Bell."— Presentation transcript:

1 B ELL R INGER – 8/21 (Y OU ’ RE NOW BEING GRADED ON THESE !) TABLET/Smart Phone m.socrative.com – Room 38178 NO TABLET (or not working) There are Bell Ringers cards on the table in the fourth box. Take 1 and answer the question on there (make sure you put your name and date!) Turn it in to the class box. QUESTIONS: Fill in the blank (multiple choice on devices) 1. The two kinds of shapes are geometric and _____________. 2. The two kinds of forms are geometric and ______________.


3 Balance Proportion Movement Pattern Repetition Rhythm Emphasis Contrast Variety Unity

4 B ALANCE Arranging elements so that no one part of a work overpowers, or seems heavier than any other part Symmetrical Balance: when both sides of an artwork, if split down the middle, appear to be the same Does NOT have to be a mirror image! Asymmetrical Balance: balance does not weigh equally on both sides Radial Balance: equal in length from the middle You’ll see a circular shape

5 S YMMETRICAL B ALANCE Vitruvian Man Leonardo da Vinci 1487

6 A SYMMETRICAL B ALANCE The Persistence of Memory Salvador Dali 1931


8 P ROPORTION Proportion is the measurement of the size within a composition. Certain things enlarged to show importance or make the image more realistic Proportion creates the illusion of 3-dimensional space Bigger things appear to be closer, smaller things appear to be farther away

9 P ROPORTION A Sunday on La Grande Jatte George Seurat 1884

10 M OVEMENT Within the artwork: shows actions Outside the artwork: the path the viewer's eye follows

11 M OVEMENT – S HOWING A CTION The Crucifixation of St. Peter Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio 1601

12 M OVEMENT – V ISUAL P ATHWAY Wheat Field Under Clouded Sky Vincent Van Gogh 1890

13 P ATTERN, R HYTHM, & R EPETITION Shows consistency with colors or lines Indicates movement by the repeating elements Makes the artwork seem active

14 P ATTERN, R HYTHM, & R EPETITION Cinquenta… Tigre Real Salvador Dali 1963

15 E MPHASIS The part of the artwork that catches the viewer’s attention The focal point The area may be different in size, color, texture, shape, etc.

16 E MPHASIS Artemis Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn 1634

17 C ONTRAST Created by using elements that conflict with one another – complementary colors or extremely light and dark values Most often used to create emphasis

18 C ONTRAST Three Musicians Pablo Picasso 1921

19 V ARIETY The quality or state of having different forms or types The differences which give a design visual and conceptual interest: notable use of contrast, emphasis, difference in size and color


21 U NITY The wholeness that is achieved through the effective use of the elements and principles of art Unity is the arrangement of elements and principles to create a feeling of completeness

22 C LASS A CTIVITY – U NDERSTAND THE P RINCIPLES ? Each slide will present questions on one principle of design (balance, contrast, etc.) We won’t go through every one as some are easier to understand than others. Can you describe the principles correctly? I will give you a few minutes to answer the questions on the slide and then we’ll go over them. TABLET/SMART PHONE: m.socrative.com, room #38178 Questions will come up one at a time, just click your answer. It will tell you if you were right or wrong immediately When it says WAIT FOR SLIDE please wait for the next slide before answering NO DEVICE: pull out a piece of paper and write down your answers. We will go over each slide once everyone’s answered the questions and you can check These will get turned in at the end of class. I care that they’re COMPLETE, not necessarily that you got everyone right

23 B ALANCE – S YMMETRICAL, A SYMMETRICAL, OR R ADIAL ? Look at the picture and decide if the balance is symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial. 2.3.4. 5.6.7.

24 B ALANCE – S YMMETRICAL, A SYMMETRICAL, OR R ADIAL ? (R EAL A RTWORKS ) Look at the picture and decide if the balance is symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial. 8.9.10. 11.12.13.

25 P ROPORTION – P ICTURE A OR B? Which picture is shown with correct proportions? 14.15.16. A.A.A. B.B.B.

26 P ROPORTION – A OR B? (R EAL A RTWORKS ) Which picture is shown with correct proportions? 17.18.19. A.A.A. B.B.B.

27 M OVEMENT – P ICTURE A OR B? (W HICH HAS MORE?) Which picture shows the most movement? 20.21.22. A.A.A. B.B.B.

28 M OVEMENT – P ICTURE A OR B? (W HICH HAS MORE?) Which picture shows the most movement? 23.24.25. A.A.A. B.B.B.

29 E MPHASIS – A, B, C, OR D? Look at each picture and decide which arrow is pointing to the emphasis. 26. 27. 28. A B C D A B C D A B C D

30 E MPHASIS – A, B, C, OR D? ( MORE ) Look at each picture and decide which arrow is pointing to the emphasis. 29. 30. 31. A B C D A B C D A B C D

31 C ONTRAST – Y ES OR N O ? Look at each group of colors. Are they high in contrast? 32.33.34. 35.36.37.

32 C ONTRAST – Y ES OR N O ? ( TRICKIER...) Look at each group of colors. Are they high in contrast? 38.39.40. 41.42.43.

33 V ARIETY – A OR B? Look at each picture. Which shows more variety? 44. 45. 46. A. A. A. B. B. B.

34 ???? How did we do? Questions on any of the principles...? Next - an activity based on these 10 principles!!

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