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LHCbComputing LHCb Computing Tasks. December Status of Computing Personnel m Currently available people insufficient to cover all activities o Estimate.

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Presentation on theme: "LHCbComputing LHCb Computing Tasks. December Status of Computing Personnel m Currently available people insufficient to cover all activities o Estimate."— Presentation transcript:

1 LHCbComputing LHCb Computing Tasks

2 December Status of Computing Personnel m Currently available people insufficient to cover all activities o Estimate ~40 FTE needed m 22.6 FTE available for operations o Some activities not covered P e.g. documentation, tutorials, event display, software validation, performance and regression testing, web services, Boole+Brunel+(DaVinci) integration m ~5 FTE working on Gaudi and DIRAC development o Barely sufficient to keep our software and computing abreast with evolving technology P CERN, Spain m ~3 FTE working on new activities o Small pockets of effort in various countries, for example: P Italy, UK, CERN (Data Preservation and Outreach) P Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, CERN (Multicore R&D) m Shortfall ~10 FTE 2

3 January FTE share 3 o ~3 additional FTEs identified following December NCB presentation o Encourage under-represented countries to provide missing people

4 Finding the missing people (slide shown in January) m Inventory of tasks being finalised o Detailed task descriptions, covering both (time limited) development activities and (continuous) support activities o Will be distributed to NCB members in 1-2 weeks m Ask countries to make commitments to work packages o Including both development and support activities m Formalise as addendum to computing MoU o Similar to sub-detectors MoUs P Aim for draft by February CB P Aim for approval at June CB o Regularly monitor compliance, e.g. once per year m If shortfall persists consider option to finance under M&O A o Proposal for cost sharing to be worked out 4

5 Finding the missing people m Inventory of tasks being finalised o Detailed task descriptions, covering both (time limited) development activities and (continuous) support activities o Draft distributed to NCB members last week 5

6 Project Work Breakdown Structure m Table A o Some fine tuning still needed 6

7 Personnel requirement m Split into o Operation P Minimum needed for medium term operation o R&D P Activities for improvement, in particular needed for upgrade and data preservation d But also to fit into foreseeable resources for Run 2 P Mostly time limited P Can be smoothed by prioritizing (delaying some tasks) 7

8 Remarks m Total requirement will evolve o Some tasks not yet included, some double counting m Total requirement is ~15 more than presented in December o Some additional items included, increases also ‘available’ personnel o Some time limited tasks counted in 2014 could be postponed to 2015 or later. 8

9 Finding the missing people m Inventory of tasks being finalised o Detailed task descriptions, covering both (time limited) development activities and (continuous) support activities o Draft distributed to NCB members last week m Ask countries to make commitments to work packages o Including both development and support activities m Process already started, some success, to be pursued 9

10 Coming soon m Updated tables of personnel shortages o Cross referencing WBS of Tasks note m Expect NCB members to validate o Basis for looking for additional contributions 10

11 Finding the missing people m Inventory of tasks being finalised o Detailed task descriptions, covering both (time limited) development activities and (continuous) support activities o Draft distributed to NCB members last week m Ask countries to make commitments to work packages o Including both development and support activities m Formalise as addendum to computing MoU o Similar to sub-detectors MoUs P Aim for draft by February CB d Pierluigi’s talk P Aim for approval at June CB o Regularly monitor compliance, e.g. once per year m If shortfall persists consider option to finance under M&O A o Proposal for cost sharing to be worked out 11

12 12 Next steps m Finalise Tasks document and personnel tables o Latest by end March m Address shortages o Look for new commitments (with help from NCB members) o Prioritise “R&D” tasks m Present status at June CB o CB to decide how to proceed m Longer term: o Review tasks document each December o Review personnel each January o Report to first CB of the year

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