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Puritans An Overview. Puritans When and where did the first group of Puritans land in North America? 1620 on the tip of Cape Cod.

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Presentation on theme: "Puritans An Overview. Puritans When and where did the first group of Puritans land in North America? 1620 on the tip of Cape Cod."— Presentation transcript:

1 Puritans An Overview

2 Puritans When and where did the first group of Puritans land in North America? 1620 on the tip of Cape Cod

3 Puritans Define the term “Puritan.” What were their goals? Protestant group that sought to purify the Church of England. Neither the clergy nor the government should act as an intermediary between individuals and God.

4 Puritans Explain the two beliefs about which the Puritans were certain and the one area in which there was doubt. CERTAIN - Because of sin, most of humanity would be condemned eternally. CERTAIN - God sent Christ to save certain people. DOUBT - Puritans were not sure which individuals would be saved.

5 Puritans What were the four qualities that the Puritans came to value as a result of their beliefs? Self-reliance Industriousness Temperance Simplicity

6 Puritans How did the Puritans foreshadow American constitutional democracy? By using contractual agreements, such as the Mayflower Compact.

7 Puritans Define the word “covenant.” Contract For the Puritans, an agreement between God and man or between man and man

8 Puritans In what way were Puritan political views undemocratic? They believed the elect should have greater influence on government than the non-elect.

9 Puritans “For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword through the world....” ~John Winthrop What can you learn about the Puritans from reading this quotation? Example for others Separate from others Behavior is important Consequences for actions

10 Puritans How did the Salem witch hunt begin? When did it begin? Two girls began to dabble in magic and became ill. A doctor diagnosed them as victims of witchcraft. They accused three women. One confessed and said there was a coven of witches in Salem The witch hunt then began. 1692.

11 Puritans How many people were accused of witchcraft? 150 How many were executed? 20

12 Puritans What were the two theories used to explain why the witch hunt occurred? Restrictive government caused stress that led to paranoia and aggression. Fear of nonconformists: powerful, independent women were most often accused of being witches.

13 Puritans How was each Puritan trained to see his life? As a pilgrimage to salvation. How did the Bible influence Puritan’s lives? They saw direct connec- tions between it and their lives.

14 Puritans Why was education so important to the Puritans? So individuals were able to read the Bible and participate in religious debates.

15 Puritans What college was founded by the Puritans and for what purpose? Harvard To train Puritan ministers

16 Puritans What invention was brought into the colonies to further education? Printing press

17 Puritans What were the two most common types of writing for the Puritans and how did they use them? Diaries and histories To explore their lives for signs of God’s working in them

18 Puritans Describe the Puritan style of writing. Plain style: Clarity of expression - straightforward Few figures of speech – not flowery

19 Puritans Is Puritanism alive and well in American public life today? Give examples. Work ethic Separation of church and state

20 Puritans What is your heritage?

21 The End

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