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Interviewing an Entrepreneur

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1 Interviewing an Entrepreneur

2 Interviewing an Entrepreneur Assignment
Today – Brainstorming Questions Tomorrow – Creating Your Own Questions (computer lab) Over the next week: Finding an entrepreneur to interview and executing the interview Project Due: Monday, September 24th

3 Interviewing an Entrepreneur Assignment
You will be handing in a report AND You will be presenting your interview to the class

4 Interviewing an Entrepreneur
Step 1: Contact person selected and make an appointment, Be sure to explain why you want the appointment and to give a realistic estimate of how much time you will need.

5 Finding an Entrepreneur
People you know Parents, Relatives, Family Friends, Friends’ Parents Ask these people for help finding an entrepreneur A business owner you are comfortable talking to Brant Business Resource Enterprise Centre (civic square) Last Resource: Ask me for help

6 Creating Questions Step 2: Identify specific questions you would like to have answered and the general areas about which you would like information.. Using a combination of open-ended and closed-ended questions Open Ended Questions – there are a wide variety of answers. The question could lead to a story. Example: How did you get started? Closed Ended Questions – Specific questions that will lead to short answers. Example: How many years has the store been open? We will brainstorm some questions as a class in a bit You will identify and type your questions tomorrow in the computer lab

7 Conducting the Interview
Step 3: Conduct the interview. If both you and the person you are interviewing are comfortable, using a small tape recorder during the interview can be of great help to you later. (many of your phones have one) You will learn more if you are an “interested listener”

8 Evaluating Your Findings
Step 4: Evaluate what you have learned. You MUST record the answers to your questions in some form (audio, video, writing) Be as specific as you can. Jotting down correct quotes is more successful than writing vague statements like “highly motivated individual”

9 Thank You Step 5: Write a thank-you note. This is more than courtesy
It will also help the entrepreneur to remember you favourably if you want to follow up in any way in the future Networking

10 The Report Step 6: Completing a written report on your findings
This is to be typed and handed in This will include Your questions & the answers from your interview A 2-3 paragraph reflection of what you learned about entrepreneurship/entrepreneurs/ starting your own business from your interview

11 The Presentation Step 7: Preparing a Presentation
Everyone will do a 5-10 minute presentation on their chosen entrepreneur Students will sign up for time slots next week Presentations will be ENGAGING (not boring) Use Video, PowerPoint, Skits, Pictures, Audio, other visuals Teach the class about your entrepreneur and unique lessons about entrepreneurship that you have learned

12 Entrepreneurship Speaker Profile Sheet
Step 8: Fill Out a Summary Sheet You will be given a short summary sheet for my records This will ensure you have received lessons from the interviewing process Will also help students in the future think of possible interviewees


14 In Your Groups You will be given one of the 5 topics that you are to interview the entrepreneurs The members’ task is to generate as many questions in that category as they possibly can As a group you will then select the best 5-10 We will take these up tomorrow and come up with a lot of good questions Each student is to write down these questions

15 The Interview Questions
You must have at least 25 questions (5-10 for each category) The questions should be a mix of open and closed-ended questions To end the interview you will ask one “BIG QUESTION” that will sum up the interview

16 The Interview Topics Background (family, education, job experience)
Idea Generation and Evaluation (start-up + how they are adapting now) Planning and Finance (plans made and financial resources utilized for start up – and current considerations) Operations ( how their business was organized at the beginning and now, problems they encountered, etc) Personal Attitudes and Characteristics (both at the beginning of the venture and now)

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