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THREDDS, CDM, OPeNDAP, netCDF and Related Conventions John Caron Unidata/UCAR Sep 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "THREDDS, CDM, OPeNDAP, netCDF and Related Conventions John Caron Unidata/UCAR Sep 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 THREDDS, CDM, OPeNDAP, netCDF and Related Conventions John Caron Unidata/UCAR Sep 2007

2 Contents Overview THREDDS Data Server Unidata’s Common Data Model

3 2) Server 0) Client 1) Request 3) Response

4 0) The Client What functionality is needed? 1.Scientific User –Raw data –Drill down to arbitrary detail 2.Decision Support –“best effort” Visualization –operational

5 1) The Request What functionality is possible? Analogous to SQL language for RDBMS Implies a Data Model OGC vs File access APIs –NetCDF/OPeNDAP/HDF5 : index space –WXS : coordinate space Higher semantic level trumps if no significant extra cost. –File APIs become implementation, not interface

6 1) WCS Request Functionality –Subsetting (bounding box, time range, variable) –Optional reprojection/resample Variants: KML/XML/SOAP+XML/REST Optional Functionality : 42 flavors Bad news for interoperability Is there an elephant to dictate a standards? –Eg IBM chose SQL/Relational model (1984)

7 2) Server How do I serve my data? Do I need specialized personnel? –$$, resource consumption, core competency What are the common requests? –(that I should optimize for)?

8 3) Response What comes back? Has to be a representation of the “answer” in the Data Model WCS allows anything –Cant write a generic client Communities will form around a small number of variants –No elephants in sight

9 3) Response : XML vs. binary Extensibility vs. Efficiency Binary: netCDF/GeoTIFF/HDF/etc –reflect favorite formats of committee members –Different data models : ideally need a formal mapping (but there arent any yet) –Domain experts can make use GML closely follows the OGC/ISO data model (WFS requires GML)

10 3) Response : XML vs. binary GML is waaaay too complex –Ambitious –OGC/ISO models are complex –Reality is complex –XML Schema is a disaster Google KML –“visualization format” not “data storage”

11 HTTP Tomcat Server THREDDS Data Server Datasets catalog.xml THREDDS Server NetCDF-Java library Application IDD Data HTTPServer NetcdfSubset WCS OPeNDAP configCatalog.xml

12 THREDDS Catalogs XML over HTTP Hierarchical listing of online resources (datasets) Container for arbitrary search metadata –Standard set maps to DC, GCMD, ADN –Unidata/NCAR-CDP Metadata can be inherited Design goal: Make it easy for data providers TDS uses extended version for configuration Data Access URLS –“Crossing the protocol boundary”

13 THREDDS OPeNDAP Server OPenDAP is protocol for remote access to CDM Current version 2.0; NASA ESE standard –Working on new 4.0 protocol spec Based on Java-OPeNDAP library –shared development by Unidata/ Any CDM dataset can be served Server4 (Hyrax): –latest version of C++ library –THREDDS Catalogs replace dods_dir

14 THREDDS WCS service CDM files that have Grid coordinate system –evenly spaced x,y Allow to subset the dataset by: –Lat/lon or projection bounding box –time and vertical coordinate range –list of Variables Return formats –GeoTIFF floating point, grayscale –NetCDF/CF-1.0 No reprojections, resamplings Uses WCS 1.0, work on WCS 1.1 in progress

15 NetCDF Subset Service Experiment with REST style web service Allow to subset the dataset by: –Lat/lon bounding box –time and vertical coordinate range –list of Variables NetCDF/CF, XML, CSV (spreadsheet) Gridded Data –Output is a CF-1.0 netCDF file –Variation of WCS (simplified request protocol) Grid as Point Datasets (experimental) –Extract vertical profile, time series from one point in model data Station Data: metars (7 day rolling archive)


17 HTTP Tomcat Server Common Data Model catalog.xml THREDDS Server Application NetCDF-Java library IDD Data HTTPServer NetcdfSubset WCS OPeNDAP Then a miracle happens Datasets

18 NetcdfDataset Application Scientific Datatypes NetCDF-Java architecture OPeNDAP THREDDS Catalog.xml NetCDF-3 HDF5 I/O service provider GRIB GINI NIDS NetcdfFile NetCDF-4 … Nexrad DMSP CoordSystem Builder Datatype Adapter NcML

19 Common Data Model File Formats General: NetCDF, HDF5, OPeNDAP Gridded: GRIB-1, GRIB-2 Radar: NEXRAD level II and level III, DORADE, Chinese NEXRAD Point: BUFR Satellite: DMSP, GINI In Progress: NetCDF4, McIdas AREA, NPOESS, NOAA CLASS legacy files, Barrowdale DataBlade, others

20 Coordinate Systems Common Data Model Layers Data Access Scientific Datatypes Grid Point Radial Trajectory Swath StationProfile

21 Common Data Model (Data Access Layer)

22 Coordinate Systems UML

23 NetCDF-4 file format NetCDF-4 C library –4.0 Beta implements CDM access layer Persistence format for complete CDM –4.1: adding Coordinate Systems Optional layer, focus on CF-1 (libcf) –4.?: merge OPeNDAP access NetCDF-Java library will read, maybe write

24 TDS / NcML aggregation

25 Forecast Model Run Collection (FMRC)

26 Scientific DataTypes Based on datasets Unidata is familiar with –APIs are evolving How are data points connected? Intended to scale to large, multifile collections Intended to support “specialized queries” –Space, Time Intend to create “standard” NetCDF file encoding conventions

27 Scientific DataTypes Grids –Structured –Swath –Unstructured Point Observation –Unconnected –Station / Time Series –Trajectory –Profile Radial

28 Climate and Forecast (CF) Conventions Conventions for encoding coordinate systems, other semantics in netCDF Working for 10 years –Version 1.0 in 2003 –Good for gridded data Current working goups –Point/Station/Trajectory/Profile observations –CRS (map to OGC) Governance in place Volunteer: motivated, practical, real

29 Summary: Unidata’s directions Client: both Scientific User and Decision Support Request in coordinate space –WCS is fine, not a big architectural decision Server: TDS –Files in native format, augmented by indexing/DB Response: netCDF/CF and GeoTIFF/KML or WMS/JPEG

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