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How to top with minimum study? Its wrong question… Correct question is… What is difference between minimum and optimum? How to top with optimum study.

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2 How to top with minimum study?

3 Its wrong question… Correct question is… What is difference between minimum and optimum? How to top with optimum study ? Input Output Min Max Optimum Max Min 2

4 2. Formula for success Success= (Intelligence) × (Hard work) × (Attitude) ×(1+ ‘Smartness’) Time management Honesty and ethics Soft skills Computer/Internet literacy GK and helping hand Planned & Optimistic approach Remember: Success is not an accident; it is result of positive attitude and hardwork.  What is attitude?  On a clear day, there are hundreds of boats sailing in all different directions in a lake.  Even though the wind is blowing in one direction, the sailboats are going in different directions.  How come? It depends on the way the sail is set. The same is true of our lives. It depends on our attitude… 3

5 3. Pre-requisite? CCommon sense PPositive attitude VVision DDedication and Ethics MManagement skills and teamwork CCourage to face challenges. GGood health: Physical capabilities GGive more than U get. 4

6 4. Your daily activities… – Take ‘smart’ decisions and make sacrifices. It will pay U back. – Frustration is integral part of life. Don’t worry…! – Never think anything bad about u r institute. – Never think that I have too much study load (assignment and tests ) College Study Sleeping Social Activities Frustration and depression 5

7 5. Stair method… AAlways set a small goal GGet it done TThis will give U lot of confidence. TThen set next higher goal and get it done. PProceed in this way. NNever jump directly…! Remember: Not failure, but Low Aim Is Crime 6

8 6. Planning:-  People spend their days in study, but achieve very little success, B’coz they are not planning.  U must consider Ur abilities and limitations while planning.  Revision must be a part of planning.  Long term: Prepare plan for the whole semester for complete syllabus.  Short term: Plan for a week and for each topic. RRemember: PPeople generally overestimate themselves. Initially you may fail, but after some time, planning will become Ur habit. IIt is better to be a ‘fool’ for some time, instead of remaining fool forever…so try to be in touch with Ur teachers to get Ur doubts cleared. 7

9 7. Reference Books-  Selection of books should be done with proper care, since Ur success heavily depends on it.  Market is flooded with books. So follow only those books in which you are comfortable in understanding the fundamentals  Use Ur own books.  Never take a book without pen/pencil in other hand. WWrite what U understand/not understand on that book. IIt will help U in next revision. DDon’t write on Library books. Instead, first make a Xerox copy. IIt is better to solve/read a book twice rather than two books once. CClarify Ur doubts from Ur teachers/friends. Help others. RRemember, Having no concept is better than mis-concept. 8

10 8. Organization of syllabus-  Concentrate on 1 st quadrant ( 50 % time)  2 nd quadrant: (20% time)  3 rd quadrant: (20% time)  Don’t waste Ur time on 4 th quadrant. (10 % time)  Remember: It is not necessary and possible also… to command whole syllabus. Keep watch on previous years question papers, and choose the topics of Ur interest. 9

11 9. Notes: UUse Ur own notes. MMake a habit to take notes in class. 11 st Revision notes: 10 pages/chapter 22 nd revision notes: 3 pages/chapter 33 rd revision notes: ½ page/chapter ZZip and unzip procedure. KKeep Ur notes and books with U…forever. Before going to exam, close all the books and have a look on final notes 10

12 10. When and What to study? When U feel fresh & energetic (morning): Start with theory and new topics When Ur tired, (evening): Problems and revision. Have a look on syllabus at the start of semester.  What is purpose of Preparation Leave:  Fresh study  Revision  Remember…!  No. of hours of self study ≥ 2 * Class hours.  Don’t have a mentality that firstly I will complete theory and then problems. Both should be done simultaneously. 11

13 11. Revision:-  Close Ur eyes and try to recollect whatever U had studied.  Do this very systematically, step-by- step and gradually.  When you stuck, open Ur notes and look.  NEVER try to remember a particular numerical problem.  How many revisions?  First Revision: Immediately after class. (5 min.)  Second revision: Just before start of the class (5 min)  Third revision: After a week.  Last revision: Before exam 12

14 12. Tips- EExam ke kuch din pehale frustration ho jata hain…Kya kare? DDon’t worry…Its natural…! Remember: A piece of coal perform well under temperature and pressure, known as ‘Diamond’. UU should be strong to handle these tension.  At the bottom of success ladder, there is only crowd; at upper part there is a competition.  Always remain in upper part. 13

15 13. During Exam:  Before going to exam, don’t talk with negative minded persons.  You must be mentally tough. Be bold & confident. U must concentrate on Ur task irrespective of what is going around.  Start with easy question, that will give U confidence.  At the end of each question, write summary.  Don’t loose Ur confidence even if U have NOT performed well in one exam. Remember, if paper is tough, it is tough for everybody.  If possible, use two coloured pen- Blue and Black. But don’t waste Ur time. Make balance between speed and accuracy.  Between two exams, don’t discuss exam paper of previous exam. 14

16 14. Line of sight: Broad vision Be inspired from others Interact with others When U achieve success, U will face challenge and again U have to achieve success. C B A U Line of sight Ur initial aim Ur ultimate aim 15

17 15. Failure…?  'A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent in doing nothing‘ -George Bernard Shaw  Success is not measured by our position in life but by the obstacles we overcame to get there.  We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery.  Success is not measured by how high we go up in life but by how many times we bounce back when we fall down.  Remember: Failure is first step of success. 16

18 16. Every success story is also a story of great failure… A man who failed in business at the age of 21, defeated in a legislative race at age 22; failed again in business at age 24; overcame the death of his sweetheart at age 26; had a nervous breakdown at age 27; lost a congressional race at age 34; lost a senatorial race at age 45; failed in an effort to become vice-president at age 47; lost a senatorial race at age 49; and was elected as president of the United States at age 52. This man was Abraham Lincoln. Would you call him a failure? It takes both rain and sunshine to create a rainbow, same way, it takes failure and success to create victory. 17

19 17. Setback…?  Setbacks are inevitable in life.  A setback can act as a driving force and also teach us humility.  In grief you will find courage and faith to overcome the setback.  We need to learn to become victors, not victims. Ask yourself after every setback: What did I learn from this experience? Tom Watson Sr. said, "If you want to succeed, double your failure rate." 18

20 18. Obstacles to success-  Ego  Fear of failure (lack of self- confidence)  No plan  Lack of ‘goal’  Financial securities issues  Looking for shortcuts.  Self-fishness  Not learning from past mistakes  Laziness lack of discipline  Copying of assignments The winning horse in the races wins 10-to-1. It doesn’t mean that he is ten times faster than the other horses. He may only be faster by a fraction but the rewards are five or ten times greater. Successful people are not ten times smarter than the people who fail. They may be better by just a fraction. 19

21 19. Success It is possible only because of positive attitude and self confidence. Excellence is a journey; not destination. There are thousands way to achieve Ur goal; but U have to choose optimum way. Remember: Everything is possible in life. U should have courage to do things. Believe Ur’self and one day U will be at TOP. 20

22 Wish you all the best. 21 Contact me at


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