Offences against People, Property and Others

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1 Offences against People, Property and Others

2 Reviewing Your Vocabulary Identify the Following Crimes
Intentionally deceiving someone in order to cause a loss of property, money or service. Wounding, maiming, disfiguring, or endangering the life of a victim. Theft of a radio that has a value of $187. Reporting a crime to the police when such crime did not take place. Theft of an automobile that has a value of $9780. Taking property permanently or temporarily without the owner’s permission. Touching of a sexual nature that is not invited or consensual. Culpable Homicide that that is not a murder or infanticide A person’s honest belief that he or she owns or has permission to use the article in question. Theft of personal property through the use of violence. Threatening or actual physical contact of a person without consent.

3 Answer the Following Questions
I. Discuss three differences between indictable and summary conviction offences. II. Name three types of culpable homicide ,and briefly explain each. III. If one function of law is to protect a society from murder ,then why does infanticide carry a lighter sentence than murder? Explain why you agree or disagree with the maximum penalty for infanticide. IV. Distinguish between theft, robbery, and B&E. V. What is the difference between express and implied consent. VI. Identify the three important elements of possession.

4 Answers: Fraud Aggravated Assault Theft Under Mischief Theft Over
Sexual Assault Manslaughter Colour of right Robbery Assault

5 Three Differences between Indictable and Summary Offences
An Indictable offence has no limitation on when the offence may be prosecuted : a summary offence must be prosecuted within six months of the date it occurred. An indictable offence may require a preliminary hearing ( e.g. murder, treason): a summary offence never has a preliminary hearing. An indictable offence is more serious than a summary offence with seriousness defined by potential length of incarceration.

6 Three Types of Culpable Homicide
Murder Manslaughter Infanticide

7 Infanticide Before 1948, a person who committed infanticide would have been found guilty of murder. The offence of Infanticide was added to the Criminal Code to avoid the lengthy prison sentences for mothers who killed their newborns due to a mental disturbance resulting from childbirth. ( 5 years-max)

8 Theft, Robbery,B& E Theft is taking of property permanently or temporally, without the owner’s permission. Robbery is the theft of property or money through violence or the threat of violence. Ex. A person robs a bank by threatening the teller with a gun. B&E involves breaking or opening something in order to enter a place without permission and with the intent to commit an offence such as theft. Ex. A person breaks a window and enters a dwelling with the intent to steal jewellery and other valuables.

9 Consent Maybe implied or expressed. Express consent means that the person agrees orally to the possession of the drugs. Implied consent means that the person did not orally agree to the possession of the drugs by another person, but did nothing to remove himself/herself from the situation.

10 Three elements of definition of Possession
Knowledge-the person in possession must know what the substance is. Control-the person must have some control over the substance, such as directing its movement from one place to another. Consent-the person can be charged with possession even if the person does not own the substance or have it in his possession, as long as the person knows about it and consents to its possession by someone else.

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