Leadership Academy (CSEA) Presented by: Eric Muehlebach.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Academy (CSEA) Presented by: Eric Muehlebach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Academy (CSEA) Presented by: Eric Muehlebach

2 California School Employees Association Chapter 535  History of Unions  General overview of CSEA/Local Chapter  Why it’s important to managers  The Collective Bargaining Contract

3 History of Unions in America  Organized Labor dates back to late 1700’s in the United States  1866 National Labor Union Founded  1881 Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions formed  1886 American Federation of Labor Founded

4 Why Labor Unions Founded  Appalling Work Conditions  Unfair Wages  Long Work Days  Child Labor  Unsafe Work Environments

5 Union’s Ability to Strike  Carpenters strike of 1890  Female Shirtwaist Strike of 1909  United Auto Workers Strike 1936  Retail Clerks Union 2003 CA  United Auto Workers Strike 2007

6 Union’s Protect LaborWages Working Conditions

7 Labor Unions Today  Today, most Labor Unions in the U.S. are part of: American Federation of Labor- Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) or Change to Win Federation

8 California School Employees Association  Formed in 1927 by group of Oakland Custodians to receive better retirement benefits  Part of AFL-CIO, Region 33, Area F, Chapter 535  Largest Classified School Employee Union in the U.S. over 230,000 members

9 Executive Board Members for 2011: Gustavo Segura (President) Eric Muehlebach (Vice President) Nate Finney (Immediate Past President) Secretary (Vacant) Pam Kollar (Treasurer) Jefferson Tiangco (Public Relations Officer / Webmaster) Ginny Haguewood (Job Steward) Angela Thomas (Moreno Valley Vice President) Tamara Caponetto (Norco Vice President) Wendi Alcazar (Norco Member at Large) Stephen Ashby (Riverside Member at Large) Akia Marshall (Moreno Valley Member at Large) Riverside Community College District CSEA Chapter 535

10 Chapter 535 Information  More than 420 Members  Chapter meets 10 times a year on third Friday of every month from 12:30 – 1:30  Members serve on various committees as part of shared governance  CSEA Website: http://www.csea.com/content/chapter535/html/c hapter.asp

11 CSEA Commitment The organization shall promote the good and welfare of the members of this organization under the available labor relations system, and to secure for them reasonable hours, fair wages and improved working conditions; to establish a spirit of cooperation, good faith and fair dealings with the employer; to safeguard, advance and promote the principle of free collective bargaining in a democratic society; to promote such legislation as may be in the best interests of the members of this organization; to promote the efficiency and raise the standards of service of its members and other public service workers; to instill confidence, good will and understanding among the members and their employers; to promote the economic and social welfare of the members of the Association through unity of action and mutual cooperation. (Section 2, By-Laws)

12 Weingarten rights  The right of employees to have union representation at investigatory interviews  Established in 1975 by U.S. Supreme Court  Union representative has the right to council and assist the employee during this process  Union representative has the right to meet with employee before a meeting

13 What Managers need to know When the employee makes the request for a union representative to be present management has three options: (I) it can stop questioning until the representative arrives. (2) it can call off the interview or, (3) it can tell the employee that it will call off the interview unless the employee voluntarily gives up his/her rights to a union representative (an option the employee should always refuse.)

14 Employee Job Descriptions  Describes the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities of a specific position  Employees should not perform duties outside of their job description  Hay Review and Classification Process  Differential Pay

15 CSEA Contract  Collective Bargaining Contract between the District and CSEA Chapter 535  Management Rights vs. Association Rights  Overtime, Paid Time Off, FMLA, Performance Evaluation, Grievance Procedures, Professional Growth, Probationary Period

16 Union Leadership Build Collaborative Relationships Build Unified Team Change Management Building a Vision


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