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Scenario Planning. Progressing your enquiry  EOI – thinking about report and SLS,  Lit review topic – finalise sub headings  Scenario Plan – Start.

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Presentation on theme: "Scenario Planning. Progressing your enquiry  EOI – thinking about report and SLS,  Lit review topic – finalise sub headings  Scenario Plan – Start."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scenario Planning

2 Progressing your enquiry  EOI – thinking about report and SLS,  Lit review topic – finalise sub headings  Scenario Plan – Start building your group’s scenario - week 6  Group report draft week 8  Submit week 9 (before seminar)

3 Why scenario plan?  Scenario planning or building is a tool:  Part of strategic planning  Seeing the future in different ways to assist to decide what to do today  “learning from the future”  Linking the uncertainty of the future with decisions that have been made in the current context  Using imagination and analysis it broadens your approach to strategy and planning  Connecting us to discover and answer questions that allow for reflection and consideration  Scenarios are imagined futures  It’s a strategic way to address complex issues

4 ©2011 g.cairns/g.wright  To apply an approach of ‘intuitive logics’ (Jungermann and Thuring, 1987) to make sense of complexity and ambiguity in terms of possibility and plausibility  To explore the interrelationships between multiple factors in terms of cause/effect and chronology and to realise that the possibilities are not unlimited  To understand that whilst the future is largely unpredictable and unknown, it is also largely knowable and understandable  Not to predict ‘the future’, but to better understand the present  To provide a framework for better informed decision making Aims of scenario thinking

5 Key elements  Framing questions – synthesizing information to two key questions  Building Scenario worlds- wildcards, trends, critical uncertainties  Environments:  (I)NSPECT: Interpretation, natural environment, society, politics, economics, culture & technology  Creating snap shots of how the world might turn out

6 Living scenarios  Living scenarios we mean shared, ongoing explorations of how the future might unfold, leading to evolving visions that are plausible, acceptable (consistent with aspirations for human wellbeing) and workable (agreed to the extent necessary for action).  Not preordained and specified futures, living scenarios are maps of the future that can be reworked, adapted and, if necessary, transformed.  Living scenarios allow for flexibility and ambiguity; of necessity, they are refashioned in response to changing circumstances.  Reflect a rich diversity of opinions, values and aspirations, to identify envelopes of possibilities shaped by the intersection between aspirations and realities.  Tool for achieving an acceptably coherent vision of the future, and a set of pathways towards it. (Raupach et al 2013)

7 ©2011 g.cairns/g.wright  “A major focus is on how the future might evolve from today’s point-in-time to the horizon year of the scenario – say 15-20 years hence. Scenario thinking analyses the relationships between:  the critical uncertainties (as they resolve themselves);  Important trends (such as demographics), and  the behavior of actors who have a stake in the particular future (who tend to act to preserve and enhance their own interests)” (Wright and Cairns, 2011: p.9) Aims of ‘scenario thinking’

8 How to be ahead of the curve?  What are the preconditions for the scenario to unfold  What are the small signs of change  What are customers saying, showing?  Look at suppliers?  Check your competition?  Changes in the industry  Stakeholders  Awareness of the political climate  Social attitudes and values  Economic policy  General trends e.g. fashion, demographics, social movements, art, graffiti etc.

9 Framing questions  The big picture – weather, natural resources, religion, demographics, religion, technology  Wildcards – key events that are game changers, create shifts in attitudes how things are done.  Asking the oracle- INSPECT categories  Nightmares – what keeps awake at night and don’t want to happen, war? Pandemics?  Not about our ideals but objectively what could happen

10 Building your scenario  We have prepared the bare bones of 4 scenarios  Scenario one Under the rainbow – the great divide  Scenario two I have a dream – Collaborative  Scenario three Wall street – Corporatisation  Scenario four Back to the future – post capitalism  First task is to tease out your scenario  Ask some key questions to expand each of the scenarios  Develop your framing Qs

11 Developing framing Qs  As a group, agree the single most important issue that causes uncertainty about the future of work, industry provision/ production and define it in a few words: e.g. ‘The impact of social media on young adult music buying patterns’  Here, the focal issue of concern is………….?  Develop framing question(s) that reflect your key focus  E.G Will there be customer service reps in the future?  What will facilitate worker representation?  Will everyone work for themselves?

12 ©2011 g.cairns/g.wright  What is the key ‘focal issue of concern’ facing the workers, organisations over the next 20-30 years?  What is currently causing inaction and inertia?  What confusion exists that prevents a unified focus on strategic planning and action?  What keeps you awake at night? Stage 1 – Setting the scenario agenda

13 Each group will….  Develop 1-2 framing questions  Complete full scenario drawing on any information you consider relevant  Particularly focusing on work/ industry section  (this will be in the appendix of report)

14 ©2011 g.cairns/g.wright  Adopting a ‘round robin’ approach, where each member gets to present a single relevant idea in turn, with individuals dropping out as ideas are exhausted  Accepting and agreeing that no idea can be challenged or excluded on the basis that it is ‘wrong’ or ‘nonsense’  Allowing only questions of clarification, such as ‘Why do you think that…?’, ‘What would happen if…?’, ‘Who do you think would…?’  Holding a truly democratic forum that invites creativity, innovation and fresh ideas Ground rules for team-based scenario projects

15 Today  Step 1 each person in group take on a role to do your scenario plan  HR Director  Managing Director  Worker / union representative  External consultant re (e.g. Artist - designer, sustainability- green, life coach, astrologer)  Customer  Legal advisor

16 Step 2  Conduct round robin where each group member suggestions creative, imaginative ideas about a possible scenario.  (In real life orgs come up with 3 – 4 scenarios, can draw on basic scenarios on webct)

17 Step 3  Your main task is:  complete a scenario that’s gives a picture of your future world what you think it will look like.  Build a detailed picture of workplace/industry section  Make sure you pay attention to each section so you can justify how you see developments in work, industry, employment.  It should fit with broader developments of economic, political etc.

18 Step 4  Develop framing questions that focus on the area you wish to focus on around work.  Come up with 2 framing questions.  Complete your group scenario using the template  Give your scenario a name

19  Week 6 – this week – scenario planning, discuss ideas  Week 7 – group assignment and marking criteria, discuss draft with facilitator;  Week 8 – No seminar do online discussion on group  Week 9 -- submit group assignment, begin to develop Student led seminar (SLS) ideas, presentation and expo entry  Week 10 – develop poster/expo entry & discussing concepts with facilitators, marking criteria  Week 11 – FOW SLS (assessed)  Week 12 – Final peer assessments & reflective journal assessment, evaluation of unit. Page 19 Assessments & Activities – Summary Weeks 6-12

20  What have you established about your group interests?  Discuss group member strengths and weaknesses?  Building on strengths and improving on weaknesses how will you progress your work?  What information do you need to gather?  What do you know about change theory and frameworks? Do you need more info?  What decisions do you need to make?  What are the tasks and issues to follow up?  How is your group working together, are there any communications problems you need to discuss, issues of participation and contribution? Progressing your enquiry

21  What theme will you explore?  What readings will you use?  What structure – eg, headings,  Show dot points of main ideas today  How will you divide the group work?  How can you make sure its edited as a complete paper – not just bits joined together that don’t fit, check references etc? (set up group drop box account, google docs? Use webct discussion groups? facebook ?) Progressing your enquiry

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