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How to use prep’ time & generate content. Overview 1.Work as a team. It is not a case of two individual speeches being delivered and/or who can deliver.

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Presentation on theme: "How to use prep’ time & generate content. Overview 1.Work as a team. It is not a case of two individual speeches being delivered and/or who can deliver."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to use prep’ time & generate content

2 Overview 1.Work as a team. It is not a case of two individual speeches being delivered and/or who can deliver the better speech i.e. don’t hog material! 2.Challenge one another; constantly ask «why » 3.Write your analysis down! 4.Always consider your arguments in relation to those of the opposition, not in isolation.

3 Top-Half 10-point plan for success 1.First four minutes should be used for silent preparation on burdens and arguments (includes time to the room). 2.Write down burdens. 3.Determine what the most important arguments are. 4.The FIRST speech should provide arguments which meet all burdens.

4 5. Divide points between the team. The first speaker should have three points (two pivotal and one important), the second speaker should be given one point (pivotal) and then will work out their second point during the debate. 6. Help the PM/LO write their speech. 7. Signpost one point per page.

5 8. Bullet point the lines of analysis under these signposting using the SPEEL or PEELS structure. 9. After eleven minutes the first speaker should have at least 1.5points written out properly. 10. Second speaker should then work on writing their first point out whilst first speaker finishes theirs speech.

6 Bottom-Half 10-point plan for sucess 1.First four minutes as per opening teams. 2.Write down burdens and key arguments. 3.Consider how these arguments play out during the debate (demonstration).

7 4. Note the arguments your opening team will most probably say. 5. Work out the rebuttal to the opposition. 6. Determine what gaps your opening team are likely to leave i.e. “how this policy will actually work”.

8 7. Make a list/thematic spider diagram of all the arguments you can think of. 8. Write down key examples, lines of analysis under each of these headings. 9. Star/circle/happy face arguments you think are most important and be aware of arguments you think will definitely be new. 10. Consider what you think the clash points will be.

9 Content 1.Principles (there is nearly always more than one way to justify the same principle) i.e. Principle of Non-Intervention 2.HOW the policy does/doesn’t work 3.Utilitarian framework 4.Short-term effects 5.Long-term effects

10 6. Stakeholders media, minorities (women, ethnic groups, children) the group the policy targets the rest of the citizenary


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