PEER ADVISER PLUS St Giles Trusts Model. Key Objectives Key objectives of the programme are: To allow Peer Adviser graduates to complete the on-the-job.

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Presentation on theme: "PEER ADVISER PLUS St Giles Trusts Model. Key Objectives Key objectives of the programme are: To allow Peer Adviser graduates to complete the on-the-job."— Presentation transcript:

1 PEER ADVISER PLUS St Giles Trusts Model

2 Key Objectives Key objectives of the programme are: To allow Peer Adviser graduates to complete the on-the-job training they gained in prison in a community setting, specifically focusing on resettlement work including housing, training and employment; Provide a package of performance and professional development and support to enable the trainee to develop their employability ready for future employment; To provide a link to the St Giles Trust Job Club and structured time within the programme to focus on their own future career search; The potentially link the trainee up with other providers in the Housing and Homelessness Sector for future prospective employment; To provide a non-judgemental workplace setting for the first few months of their release, allowing time and support for their own personal resettlement to happen.


4 Job Shadowing New Peer Advisors will shadow a more experienced front line worker in their team as they work with clients. They use this time to observe and learn from them.

5 Weekly Supervision Peer Advisors receive weekly supervision from there line manager. Their manager will discuss their work and how they have found the cases they have been shadowing on. They will also discuss any development areas they have noticed and suggest how they could approach things differently. Often they will agree an action plan for how things will be done in the coming month.

6 End of Month Assessment At the end of the first month Their line manager will complete an assessment of your performance against a list of ‘competencies’. These include: Ability to demonstrate good attendance and timekeeping, following the sickness absence procedure when absence is necessary. Ability to effectively plan and organise workload, Ability to work collaboratively with staff and managers within the team and across other departments.

7 Awareness of issues of confidentiality and able to evidence ability to follow confidentiality and file management policies Awareness of and commitment to equal opportunity and diversity practices and policies, and ability to promote diversity and treat colleagues and clients fairly and with respect. Awareness of and commitment to working in line with our Environmental & Sustainable Procurement Policies. Ability to demonstrate ability to follow internal policies and procedures, such as those set out in the Staff Handbook, and to follow management instruction. Balances the demands of work life and personal life.

8 Formal Training Courses The following courses form part of the training programme: Core Courses: Diversity in the Workplace & Dignity at Work – Challenge Training Safeguarding / Lone Working – Think Giraffe Housing Solutions – In House or Shelter Benefits – Broadway Motivational Interviewing – Mosaic Optional Courses: Business Start up – Barclays Capital Money Management - Barclays Capital Employability work shop – British Telecom

9 Simon Story Simon got involved with undesirable people and started taking heroin at the age of 33 years. Before long he was arrested and sentenced to 27 months imprisonment. He de-toxed whilst in custody and decided that he needed a new path in life to follow. He joined up with the St. Giles Trust Peer Advisor scheme whilst in prison and trained towards an NVQ Level 3 in Information, Advice and Guidance. He was supervised by trained housing advisers to give support around housing issues to other inmates. Upon his release he joined the Peer Adviser s Plus Scheme. He is given an induction where he meets the Team is given overview of the organisation and shown around the building. Here he shadows and is managed closely by Jacqui Castle. His first month was a probationary period, where he shadows Jacqui meeting clients at the gate on their release from prison and learning the role of caseworker. He learns about the process from the initial referral sent from the prison right through to getting clients refocused and into training and employment. Simon has weekly supervision with Jacqui and has monthly supervision with HR and Management. The supervision monitors Simon’s progress and highlights areas that need working on. It also gives Simon the opportunity to express any worries or concerns. It also involves putting together a personal development plan. This is designed to give Simon the skills and knowledge required to become a full time paid caseworker and job ready. Simon is also required to attend training sessions given on relevant subjects such as Motivational Interviewing Techniques, Sexual Abuse Awareness, Lone Working and Personal Safety, Benefits and Housing Solutions. He is also required to attend Employability Workshops where he will learn the skills required to get him job ready. During this time he is coached and Mentored whilst developing his own caseload. At the end of the 3 – 4 month period a final assessment is made to assess if Simon is ready for a paid contract.

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