IT Task Force Report Item 2.a Significantly expand the Libraries’ emphasis on digital collections, including realigning staffing to emphasize digital areas,

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Presentation on theme: "IT Task Force Report Item 2.a Significantly expand the Libraries’ emphasis on digital collections, including realigning staffing to emphasize digital areas,"— Presentation transcript:

1 IT Task Force Report Item 2.a Significantly expand the Libraries’ emphasis on digital collections, including realigning staffing to emphasize digital areas, especially the digital repository. The Task Force endorses: –Aggressive effort in area of digital repository, including new assistant dean –Accelerating ETD pilot program to completion, conversion to full program –Development/update of policies, procedures, tools Deposit, display, preservation and transcoding of digital materials, self-service Web page, etc.

2 Some Measures of Progress/Success Implemented the CSU Digital Repository in early 2007 Sample usage statistics: –9,412 downloads in September 2009 –Faculty publications, ECE (225 articles → 3,998 downloads as of 10/20/09; avg. = 17.7) Content as of 10/20/09: –Total number of items is 11,973 –Over 10,500 items in locally-created digital collections Clearly, we have some work to do

3 Strategies for Repository Development: Action Items Highest priority: –Appoint new AD for Digital Services –Accelerate ETD pilot program to completion, conversion to full program –Review existing policies, update, augment as necessary, identify need for additional policies, get feedback from campus –Develop procedures and tools Intuitive user interface for self-deposit, metadata capture

4 Strategies for Repository Development: Action Items Medium priority: –Identify models for content acquisition –Determine what services the Libraries will provide Continually evaluate and refine –Coordinate organizational activities and approaches Utilize expertise, public position of college liaisons & archivists Identify tasks for classified staff, students Realignment will be an opportunistic, evolutionary process

5 Strategies for Repository Development The following threads feature prominently within all priorities: –Communication –Engagement –Promotion and marketing –Assessment

6 Strategies for Repository Development: Campus Involvement Work with appropriate CSU Faculty, staff, students/groups –Faculty Council Presentation/dialogue at February meeting –Meet with department heads –Faculty Council Committee on Scholarship, Research, and Graduate Education (ETDs) –Faculty Council Committee on Libraries (policies) Work with Repositories Matrix Team –Graduate Student Council (ETDs) –ISTeC (MRI-R2 grant, policies)

7 Discussion What do you think? How can we most effectively expand the emphasis on digital collections?

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