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1 This show has enchanting music in it. Just sit back and watch the presentation hands free…….. Turn on speakers.

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2 1 This show has enchanting music in it. Just sit back and watch the presentation hands free…….. Turn on speakers

3 2 “Why wait for the perfect moment? Live in the moment and you make it perfect." Every now and then I hear people say they're waiting for the perfect moment, when each moment is a perfect moment. “Share a smile with someone today; you just might make their day brighter."

4 3 “A relationship does not depend on how well we understand each other but it depends on how well we avoid misunderstandings between each other." “If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work.“ “Successful people do the things that Unsuccessful people refuse to do." This particular quote has helped me throughout my career. Life is all about risk and overcoming obstacles, and this particular quote reminded me not to give up and attack every problem with a positive attitude.

5 4 “Don’t live your life regretting what you did yesterday or the day before. The more that you regret something that you can't change, the unhappier you will be. Make every experience (good or bad) a learning experience." Your past makes you into the person you are. Every obstacle that you've gone through has been put in your life for a reason. Any experience can be used to help someone else out. Great Soul A great soul is one whose every thought and every act is great. Not a single thought should be ordinary or wasteful. No action should be ordinary or meaningless.

6 5 Some People In Life Are A Part Of You And Even When You Let Them Go You Never Lose Them Bcoz You Find The Memories Of Time Spent Together Still Living In You

7 6 Sweet things are easy 2 buy, But sweet people are difficult to find. Life ends when u stop dreaming, hope ends when u stop believing, Love ends when u stop caring, Friendship ends when u stop sharing. So share this with whom ever u consider a friend. To love without condition..................... To talk without intention......... To give without reason............ And to care without the heart of a true Friend.......

8 7 Life is too short to wake up with regrets Love the people who treat you right Forget about the ones who don't Everything happens for a reason If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands If it changes your life, let it Nobody said life would be easy They just promised it would be worth it

9 8 There is no calamity greater than lavish desires. There is no greater guilt than discontentment. And there is no greater disaster than greed. "In this life we get only those things for which we hunt, for which we strive, and for which we are willing to sacrifice.In this life we get only those things for which we hunt, for which we strive, and for which we are willing to sacrifice.

10 9 “Life.....when you think about it, you realize it's just a game. You either lose and you're nothing Or you win and you're surrounded in fame. It's sad, but true the way the game is played, With each new horizon the odds of winning slowly fade. Each day seems like a never ending battle, Without anyone on your side, but don't give up, God will always be there for the ride. He created you in a perfect image, No matter what you may believe. Look into the mirror, you're beautiful, To yourself don't deceive. Just remember when life starts treating you bad, That God is looking out for you. Wipe your eyes and don't be sad. Things can only get better, so hold your head high, You're going somewhere, spread your wings and fly!"

11 10 “In order to be happy you must take time to do positive things and things that make you happy. Don't do things to please others or just to get by. Do things because you want to and because they can have a positive impact on the lives of others around you. “Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass... it's about learning how to dance in the rain."

12 11 “If you want to be happier and to like yourself more, here are five suggestions that may help you: 1. CHANGE BAD BEHAVIOR- it is hard to like ourselves if we are doing things that we know to be wrong. In your quest to define yourselves, do not get caught up in comparisons with role models or body types that may seem to be macho or chic. 2. FORGIVE OURSELVES AND OTHERS- forgiveness is an important part of putting bad behavior behind us. We need to forgive ourselves. But we may also need to forgive others. Feeling joy and peace, we will know who we are and act accordingly.

13 12 3. GAIN CONFIDENCE BY MAKING GOOD CHOICES- you are now beginning to make important choices. Choices have consequences. Remember that fame and fortune do not necessarily mean happiness. It is far better to have confidence in yourself and to be comfortable in your own skin. It is also important to be able to excel in some field. We grow and develop by making good choices. 4. GIVE SERVICE- if we really want to feel better about ourselves, we should do deeds of kindness. Great satisfaction can come in helping the poor, the sick, the elderly, or others who have special needs. Look around you, there are all kinds of opportunities. 5. CHOOSE HAPPINESS- the most fundamental of all human searches is for happiness. We each choose our own happiness. "Laughter is the best medicine". Smiling is good for the soul. I recommend friendliness because so many people are shy or lonely and need a kind of word or smile. Lifting others expands our inner selves. As we reach to others, our happiness hormones are stimulated and we find our true selves."

14 13 “Life is short. Share your smiles. Forget your grudges. Respect and cherish everyone you see today. Remember tomorrow may never come!" “When people say, "You are finished", it is time for you to stand up and "find" out why "I" failed. "Shred" the failure factor and start a new journey. Failure is confusing. You have the power to turn it inside out and start a new journey.“ “Whatever you do in life or whatever talents you have been blessed with, give it your best performance. Performance is positive psychology; it is an art of communication, creativity, of contribution to society's happiness. Never do anything half-heartedly. Always perform to your heart's content."

15 14 To create the future we desire we need a spiritual language; we must speak from the heart and in the language of the soul - a language of trust, faith and higher values, of inner growth, love and listening. “Better to be a fool with a friend than proud and lonely." When you have hurt someone you care about admit where you're wrong and say "sorry", no matter how foolish you may feel. There is great humility in love and friendship. It's better than losing someone you love. “Honesty and communication are essential in any relationship. With honesty and cooperation, you can solve any problem in a positive manner." The one thing we can never get enough of is love. And the one thing we never give enough is love. “Never turn down a job because you think it's too small, you don't know where it can lead."

16 15 “Meditate for at least 10 minutes every day, reflecting upon yourself and your activities. This will lead to Self-Realization and this in turn is the first and foremost step to SUCCESS." “The most important thing my father taught me: Do every job so that if you had to sign your name to it, You would be proud.“ The greatest possession we have costs nothing, it's known as love. Happiness Happiness is your special treasure and so never let go of this treasure.

17 16 “Never underestimate the power of the gifts that are within you. Gifts and talents are given us to use not only so we can fulfill to the fullest the call in our own lives, but also so we can reach the souls who are attached to those gifts. There are people who's lives are waiting to be affected by what God has placed within you. So evaluate yourself. Define and refine your gifts, talents, and strengths. Choose today to look for opportunities to exercise your unique God-endowed, God-ordained gifts and calling."

18 17 “Every mistake brings with it opportunity, choice, lesson & inspiration. " “Try every day to learn something and be nice to somebody." There may be troubles There may be challenges There may be storms, too... But, listen to yourself Be free for you are free Follow what your heart desires. Seek yourself through me For I am your friend, I am your reflection, I am you. I'll give you a home A home free from wearies and heartaches Remember I'll always be here for you No matter what happens No matter whoever you may be No matter what will happen next... Friends we'll always be.

19 18 Give and Take Whatever you give comes back to you. Whatever you take will not stay with you. A thousand disappointments in the past cannot equal the power of one positive action right now. Go ahead and go for it. We are all born with the ability to create happiness... So today, make others happy... Flash your sweetest smile... Have A Day Full Of Smiles.

20 19 When life gets rough, Stand up, Get tough. 'Cause bad times come, And bad times go, But good times seem to keep the flow. So when you're sad, Don't go get mad, Go take your turn, Without a burn, And see that things May be that way, But soon they won't be there to stay. Keep up your strength, And go the length, You'll see the light, And win the fight. Before you know, you’ll let them blow And realize, there is more to know.

21 20 For sadness may be there a day, But goodness will get in the way And make you see that there will be, A better day for you and me. “To taste the sweetness of life, you must have the power to forget the past.” “You won’t win if you don’t begin.” For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.

22 21 Life's richness fills your world to the degree that you allow it. Choose to allow it fully. Your doubts and anxieties only serve to separate you from the abundance that could be yours. Can you find a way to drop those doubts and let go of the anxieties? Your efforts will yield success when you're able to allow hat success to be. Live every moment as if the success already exists, and it will surely come to life.

23 22 Achievement is more than just going through the motions. Achievement comes from the person you most consistently allow yourself to be. How does it feel to be living your dream? Feel that way all the time, and the dream comes bursting forth into the reality of life. Allow yourself to be a unique expression of life's limitless abundance. And fill your world with real joy and meaning.

24 23 “What others may say is not important. What is important is that you believe in yourself and you do things in accordance with what you think is right, without hurting feelings of other person. Each and every person is unique. Don't put yourself down; always remember that there are things that you can do that others cannot." True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart. What others may say is not important. What is important is that you believe in yourself and you do things in accordance with what you think is right, without hurting feelings of other person. Each and every person is unique. Don't put yourself down; always remember that there are things that you can do that others cannot." True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart.

25 24 “ What others may say is not important. What is important is that you believe in yourself and you do things in accordance with what you think is right, without hurting feelings of other person. Each and every person is unique. Don't put yourself down; always remember that there are things that you can do that others cannot." True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart. “Always laugh when you can; it is cheap medicine. Merriment is a philosophy not well understood. It is the sunny side of existence.” Inner Peace and Protection - Step1 Let every day begin with a 'good morning' to the self, to God and to life. The first thought of the day gives me power and peace.

26 25 A man saw a poor boy looking at his beautiful and expensive car; he offered the boy a drive…. After the drive the boy said: “Your car is so marvelous, it might be so expensive?! How much does it cost?” Man: “I don't know; my brother has gifted it to me!” Boy: “Wow so nice of him….” Man: “I know what you are thinking. You also want to have a brother like him!” Boy: NO; I WANT TO BE A BROTHER LIKE HIM!!! Moral: Always Think Act higher than the people's expectations. Allow Abundance

27 26 Happiness The fruit of contentment is happiness. When there is happiness all questions finish. Character Humility dismisses nothing; rather, it takes even small things into consideration. It recognizes that whatever life presents, needs to be respected. Small things are easily found in something big, but inside little things there is often greatness. Peace To be peaceful is to be free from expectations and to want nothing from anyone.

28 27 Well!!!!!! Guys!!!!!! Did you really enjoy viewing this presentation?? Ashraf

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