Qualitative research methods in psychology (Case studies and Interviews only) Javana Hardman.

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1 Qualitative research methods in psychology (Case studies and Interviews only) Javana Hardman

2  Case study  an in depth investigation of a case  Used to describe, understand and explain an issue Case studies

3 Case Studies Strengths  Can be used to investigate sensitive issues  Studying social groups (their beliefs, etc) Limitations  Researcher bias may be a problem since the researcher’s own beliefs and ideas could influence data collection  Findings from a single case study is hard to be generalized

4  Semi-structured interview: (characteristics)  interview guide  flexible with the structure and depth of the interview  open and closed ended questions  informal and conversational  face to face interviews. Interviews

5 Semi- structured interview Strengths  Themes to explore are decided beforehand – in the interview guide  The researcher can get in depth responses  Can be used to study socially sensitive issues Limitations  Limited space to explore themes that have not been planned beforehand  Analysis of the data can be time consuming  May not be ecologically valid

6  Group of 6-10 people interviewed at the same time  Group interaction  Participants interact with each other as they would in real life  Generates rich data with discussions and reponses Focus group interview

7 Strengths  Efficient way to collect a lot of data at the same time  Natural setting for interactions between participants  Can be used to discuss socially sensitive issues Limitations  May result in conformity – will not represent the individual participant’s beliefs  Participants may not want to give out personal information to a group of people

8  Individual interpretations of experiences  Interviewer cannot interrupt during the narrative interview  Narrative may be constructed with an opening, a middle and an ending. Narrative interview

9 Strengths  In-depth understanding of peoples experiences  Can be used with all people  Able to talk freely without being interrupted  Useful in going into socially sensitive issues Limitations  Time consuming to transcribe and analyze the data  Narrative does not have structure- may go in many different directions  Ethical issues involved in having people tell about traumatic experiences

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