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BIOMASS BRIQUETTES & HYDROGEN By Sara Persson. Biomass Briquettes.

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2 Biomass Briquettes

3 How is Energy Converted into a Usable Form of Energy? Biomass Briquettes are burned instead of coal or charcoal to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

4 What is it used For? Biomass briquettes are used in rural villages for heat and cooking. China and India use Biomass briquettes for cheaper energy. Even citizens are beginning to produce their on briquettes at home for these purposes.

5 What are its Benefits? Using biomass briquettes instead of coal or charcoal highly reduces carbon dioxide emissions.

6 What are its Drawbacks? Briquettes require a large amount of land in order to be produced. Many criticize that the land should be used for crops instead. During harsh seasons, they have to stop using the land for energy, and instead for food to survive.

7 What are Government Plans for full Implementation/conversion? It has been financed to test the viability of Biomass briquettes on a national scale.

8 Why is it not our Number one Source of Energy Currently? Biomass Briquettes require a lot of land; it’s not positive that it’s the best idea for a primary source of energy, because there won’t be as much land to grow necessary crops.

9 What does it Release into the Environment and how does this Affect It? Biomass briquettes release carbon dioxide. – However, they do not release nearly as much carbon dioxide as coal or charcoal.

10 Hydrogen

11 How is the Energy Converted into a Usable form of Energy? Hydrogen is used as a fuel that is relatively non-polluting.

12 What is it used For? Hydrogen fuel hold the ability to provide for airplanes, boats, and cars.

13 What are its Benefits? Hydrogen fuel is far less polluting than other fuels.

14 What are its drawbacks? Hydrogen can get expensive, and it’s hard to gain large amounts of it.

15 What are Government Plans for full Implementation/conversion? There are many cars being made that run on hydrogen fuel.

16 Why is it not our Number one Source of Energy Currently? As mentioned, hydrogen is expensive, and it would cost too much to be a primary source of power.

17 What does it Release into the Environment and how does this Affect It? Carbon is released into the atmosphere when Hydrogen is used.

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