P1 Energy & Waves Resources

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1 P1 Energy & Waves Resources
P1 Physics Mr D Powell

2 Connection Connect your learning to the content of the lesson Share the process by which the learning will actually take place Explore the outcomes of the learning, emphasising why this will be beneficial for the learner Demonstration Use formative feedback – Assessment for Learning Vary the groupings within the classroom for the purpose of learning – individual; pair; group/team; friendship; teacher selected; single sex; mixed sex Offer different ways for the students to demonstrate their understanding Allow the students to “show off” their learning Consolidation Structure active reflection on the lesson content and the process of learning Seek transfer between “subjects” Review the learning from this lesson and preview the learning for the next Promote ways in which the students will remember A “news broadcast” approach to learning Activation Construct problem-solving challenges for the students Use a multi-sensory approach – VAK Promote a language of learning to enable the students to talk about their progress or obstacles to it Learning as an active process, so the students aren’t passive receptors


4 P1.1.2 Kinetic Theory a) The use of kinetic theory to explain the different states of matter. b) The particles of solids, liquids and gases have different amounts of energy. Candidates should be able to recognise simple diagrams to model the difference between solids, liquids and gases.

5 Can you explain these things....
Change of state? Liquids and gases flow but solids do not. Gases can be compressed but not liquids or solids. Diffusion can take place with any structure! When heating matter the temperature curve is not constant!

6 Solid Liquid Gases...

7 States of Matter - Information
In the gaseous state, molecules have so much kinetic energy that they fly off in all directions but repeatedly collide and bounce off of other molecules. --- boiling temperature - condensation temperature --- In the liquid state, atoms or molecules have sufficient kinetic energy to overcome the chemical bonds that held them in their crystal lattice and move independently, yet they don't have enough energy to separate completely from other atoms. --- melting temperature - crystallization temperature --- In the solid state, chemical bonds are stronger than the kinetic energy of the atoms. The atoms are locked into their crystal lattice positions.

8 Consolidate – How can you explain these things...
a) The use of kinetic theory to explain the different states of matter. b) The particles of solids, liquids and gases have different amounts of energy. Candidates should be able to recognise simple diagrams to model the difference between solids, liquids and gases. Also explain a heating curve. P1.1.2 Kinetic Theory

9 P1.1.2 Kinetic Theory

10 P1.1.2 Kinetic Theory

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