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You have arrived at: Atmosphere Put the sticker on your passport and roll the die to see where you will go next! If your die reads 1, 3,

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Presentation on theme: "You have arrived at: Atmosphere Put the sticker on your passport and roll the die to see where you will go next! If your die reads 1, 3,"— Presentation transcript:









9 You have arrived at: Atmosphere Put the sticker on your passport and roll the die to see where you will go next! If your die reads 1, 3, or 5: Lightning strikes! The lightning causes nitrogen gas to go into the soil. Go to soil. If your die reads 2, 4, or 6: The rain brings nitrogen gas into the soil. Go to soil.

10 You have arrived at: Live plants Put the sticker on your passport and roll the die to see where you will go next! If your die reads 1, 3, or 5: Bugs bunny eats carrots and enjoys getting his nitrates the easy way (from the carrots)! Go to live animals. If your die reads 2, 4, or 6: Winter comes and a daffodil cannot survive the cold weather and snow so it dies with the nitrates inside of it. Go to dead plants.

11 You have arrived at: Live animals Put the sticker on your passport and roll the die to see where you will go next! If your die reads 1, 3, or 5: The Tazmanian Devil leads a long and crazy life, but it is now time for him to croak. So, the Tazmanian Devil dies with the nitrates still inside of him. Go to dead animals. If your die reads 2, 4, or 6: Tweetie bird enjoys a hardy meal of corn so the next day he must go “poop”. The nitrates are in the Tweetie’s poop. Go to animal waste.

12 You have arrived at: Dead plants Put the sticker on your passport and roll the die to see where you will go next! If your die reads 1, 3, or 5: A dead rose bush slowly decays as decomposers break it down into tiny pieces. This releases various nutrients into the soil including nitrates. Go to soil. If your die reads 2, 4, or 6: Smoky the Bear is upset! Some careless fool starts a forest fire. The wood from a tree is burned and nitrogen gas is released into the atmosphere. Go to atmosphere.

13 You have arrived at: Dead animals Put the sticker on your passport and roll the die to see where you will go next! If your die reads 1,3, or 5: Peter rabbit has been caught by the big, bad wolf. The wolf eats most of Peter and the leftovers decay from various decomposers like fungi and bacteria. The nitrates from Peter are released to the soil. Go to soil. If your die reads 2,4, or 6: Bambi has been hit by a car. A passerby moves him to the side of the road where he slowly rots. Some of Bambi’s nitrogen gas is released to the air. Go to atmosphere.

14 You have arrived at: Animal waste Put the sticker on your passport and roll the die to see where you will go next! If your die reads 1 or 2: A farm supply company has picked up manure (containing nitrates) and made it into fertilizer. This is Lancaster County after all! Go to soil. If your die reads 3 or 4: What’s in the water? Nitrates in feces dissolve into surface water and evaporate into the air. Go to atmosphere. If your die reads 5 or 6: Look out before someone steps in the mess! The poop with its nitrates are decomposing in the soil. Go to soil.

15 You have arrived at: Soil Put the sticker on your passport and roll the die to see where you will go next! If your die reads 1 or 2: Denitrifying bacteria (hanging out in the soil) change nitrates back into nitrogen gas so it gets to visit the sky. Go to atmosphere. If your die reads 3 or 4: Nitrifying bacteria (hanging out in the soil) covert nitrogen into nitrate for plants to use. Go to live plants. If your die reads 5 or 6: Some nitrogen goes into the roots of special plants like alfalfa, green beans, and soy beans. Go to legumes.

16 You have arrived at: A Legume (ex. alfalfa plant) Put the sticker on your passport and roll the die to see where you will go next! If your die reads 1 or 2: Farmer Brown turns alfalfa into green manure. He plows the alfalfa plants into the ground and they are allowed to decay. Go to soil. If your die reads 3 or 4: Farmer Flick harvests alfalfa and feeds it to her pigs. The alfalfa contains lots of nitrates. Go to live animals. If your die reads 5 or 6: Nitrogen fixing bacteria that live in the roots (little root houses) covert nitrogen into nitrate for plants to use. Isn’t that mutualism? Eventually, like everything, the legume must die. Go to dead plants.

17 Trip #1: How I will travel to the next location:Location Name: ______________ Sticker: Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________ Block: _____________ Trip #2: How I will travel to the next location: Trip #3: How I will travel to the next location: Trip #4: How I will travel to the next location: Location Name: ______________ Sticker: Location Name: ______________ Sticker: Location Name: ______________ Sticker: START LOCATION:

18 Trip #5: How I will travel to the next location:Location Name: ______________ Sticker: Trip #6: How I will travel to the next location: Trip #7: How I will travel to the next location: Trip #8: How I will travel to the next location: Location Name: ______________ Sticker: Location Name: ______________ Sticker: Location Name: ______________ Sticker: Trip #9: How I will travel to the next location:Location Name: ______________ Sticker:

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