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Nonmetals Sulfur Opposite properties of metals Not shiny

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1 Nonmetals Sulfur Opposite properties of metals Not shiny
Poor conductors Mostly gases (at room temperature) Solids are brittle Sulfur

2 Reactivity of Nonmetals
Low Low High Nonmetals will usually gain or share electrons when they react with other elements

3 Carbon Family Group 14 Can gain, lose, or share 4 electrons when reacting with other elements. Carbon is the only nonmetal All living things have carbon atoms Other examples: coal, gasoline, diamonds  Carbon

4 Nitrogen Family Group 15 Only 2 nonmetals – nitrogen and phosphorus
80% of the atmosphere (air) is nitrogen Always found in groups of two Diatomic molecule Pure nitrogen in a glass vile 

5 Oxygen Family Group 16 Gain or share 2 electrons when reacting with other elements Oxygen can be a diatomic (air) or triatomic molecule (ozone) Sulfur – used to make rubber, tires, and sulfuric acid Pure sulfur 

6 Halogen Family Carbon and flourine make nonstick coating on pans
Group 17 “Halogen” means “salt forming” Very reactive and dangerous in pure form Gain or share 1 electron when reacting with other elements Examples: Carbon and flourine make nonstick coating on pans Flourine is put in water to prevent tooth decay Pure iodine evaporating to a purple gas 

7 Noble Gases Group 18 Unreactive, do not lose, gain, or share electrons
Found in the atmosphere Example: Helium, neon lights Neon in its pure form 

8 Hydrogen – No Family Doesn’t belong to any family
Properties differ from other elements Makes up 90% of the atoms in the universe Makes up only 1% of Earth’s crust Hard to find in its pure form on Earth Orion Nebula – 80% Hydrogen 

9 Metalloids Inbetween metals and nonmetals Solids (at room temp)
Brittle and hard Semiconductors – can conduct electricity under some conditions but not others. Very important for computer chips Example: Silicon – found in sand and glass Pure silicon

10 Assignment At-Home Activity on p. 135
- Read the directions and clues on p carefully. Write down five examples you find and describe the properties of halogens also in a few sentences. 5 Examples of Halogens Toothpaste – Flouride Properties of Halogens Halogens have several properties….

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