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Physical Science Elements and their Properties

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1 Physical Science Elements and their Properties
Ch 19 Mouse Mischief Physical Science Elements and their Properties

2 At room temperature, most metals are ____.
gases liquids radioactive solids

3 condensation evaporation ionization sublimation
The process by which solid iodine particles change directly to gas without first becoming a liquid is called ____. condensation evaporation ionization sublimation

4 Elements that form salts by combining with metals are ____.
allotropes fluorides ionics halogens

5 metals metalloids noble gases nonmetals
Substances that conduct an electric current only under certain conditions are most likely to be ____. metals metalloids noble gases nonmetals

6 allotropes carbons graphites halogens
Different forms of the same element that have different properties because of different atom arrangements are called ____. allotropes carbons graphites halogens

7 diamond graphite sand silicon
An allotrope of carbon that is soft and can be used as a lubricant is ____. diamond graphite sand silicon

8 diamond graphite quartz silicon
An allotrope of carbon that is hard and is often used in jewelry is ____. diamond graphite quartz silicon

9 Hydrogen is grouped with the alkali metals because it ____.
does not readily form compounds has one electron in its outer energy level is a gas is a metal

10 actinide series alkali metals halogens lanthanide series
A chemical family whose members exist as reactive diatomic molecules in the gaseous phase is the ____. actinide series alkali metals halogens lanthanide series

11 actinide series alkali metals halogens lanthanide series
A chemical family whose members exist as reactive diatomic molecules in the gaseous phase is the ____. actinide series alkali metals halogens lanthanide series

12 gaining one electron losing one electrons losing two electrons
When hydrogen reacts with the active metals, it forms a chemical bond by ____. gaining one electron losing one electrons losing two electrons sharing electrons

13 actinides alkaline earth metals transition elements halogens
The elements in Groups 3 through 12 of the periodic table are the ____. actinides alkaline earth metals transition elements halogens

14 actinides alkaline earth metals alkali metals halogens
A family of elements that has two electrons in its outer energy level is the ____. actinides alkaline earth metals alkali metals halogens

15 Metals can be used as wire because they are ____.
alloys ductile metallic shiny

16 covalent hydrogen metallic radioactive
Elements in which the outer electrons are NOT held tightly are most likely to form ____ bonds. covalent hydrogen metallic radioactive

17 Bromine is the only halogen and nonmetal that is normally a ____.
gas liquid semiconductor solid

18 The only metal that is a liquid at room temperature is ____.
copper mercury silver sodium

19 A synthetic element that is used in smoke detectors is ____.
aluminum americium sodium technetium

20 All synthetic elements are ____.
liquids needed by human body radioactive useful in making plastics

21 Cobalt, iron, and nickel are known as the ____ triad.

22 Three transition elements in Group 12 of the periodic table are ____.
copper, silver, and gold iron, nickel, and cobalt mercury, zinc, and cadmium neon, helium, and xenon

23 halogen lanthanide transition element transuranium element
Any element with an atomic number greater than that of uranium is a(n) ____. halogen lanthanide transition element transuranium element

24 The noble gases are in ____.
Group 18 Group 1 Group 13 Group 2

25 liquids metals metalloids radioactive
Elements that lie along the stair-step line of the periodic table are ____. liquids metals metalloids radioactive

26 The appearance of solid metals can be described as ____.
dull glassy powdery shiny

27 noble gases alkaline earth metals alkali metals transition elements
A family of elements that contains the most reactive metals is the ____. noble gases alkaline earth metals alkali metals transition elements

28 Radioactive elements comprise a majority of the ____.
actinides halogens lanthanides noble gases


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