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Community Foundations A Charitable Giving Resource Joe Sorenson, Manager of Affiliate Relations.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Foundations A Charitable Giving Resource Joe Sorenson, Manager of Affiliate Relations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Foundations A Charitable Giving Resource Joe Sorenson, Manager of Affiliate Relations

2 Presentation Objectives 1.Community Foundation Overview 2.Endow Iowa 3.County Endowment Fund Program 4.Fundraising Basics Anything else?


4 MORE ABOUT THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF GREATER DES MOINES  Administers more than 1,200 charitable funds  $300 M + in assets under management & administration  $21 million in grants in 2013  Facilitated gifts of more than $55 million in 2013  39 affiliates throughout Iowa


6 Transfer of Wealth in Iowa

7 WEALTH TRANSFER DEFINED  Wealth transferred from one generation to the next  Community Vitality Center Wealth Transfer Study based on county probate records and demographic trends  Projections for the next 50 years (study released in 2003)

8 THE STUDY SHOWED… On average, Iowans transfer $4.9 billion each year and over the 50 year period, $531 billion will be transferred.  Dallas County - $74.6 million  Mitchell County - $34 million  Henry County - $47.6 million

9 WHAT ELSE DO WE KNOW?  We know that Iowans are moving more and some may not always stay in Iowa.  We know that over 80% of people will give to charity during their life time but only _____% of people will leave a charity in their will.  How can we attract Iowans to make gifts to endowments that will support our favorite nonprofit, school and community for many years to come?

10 Endow Iowa

11 Then donors can be eligible for:  25% tax credit for contribution- in addition to federal deduction for the charitable gift (can carry forward for up to 5 years)  Gifts of cash, appreciated securities, real estate, grain, farmland and retirement assets are eligible to qualify  Limit each year, per taxpayer and also statewide

12 Endow Iowa With Endow Iowa, donations to community foundation endowments cost donors less. $1,000 Less tax benefits: Net federal tax savings -396 Endow Iowa Tax Credit -250 Net Cost of Gift $354 Note: Use appreciated assets subject to capital gains and the savings are even better!

13 County Endowment Fund Program

14 Background  Counties without a gambling institution receive portion of gambling tax revenue  Currently 85 counties are eligible  In 2013 each county received $132,327.46  25% goes into a permanent endowment  75% is to be granted out into the community

15 Grants Available  Visit  You will be able to locate the contact information for your local community foundation  Each county has its own grant timeline and guideline

16 Fundraising Basics

17 Ways to Raise Money  Sponsorships  Special Events  Bake Sale  Annual Mailings  Direct Fundraising (Proactive)  Grant Writing

18 Direct Fundraising (Proactive) Three steps for making a successful ask 1.Preparation 2.The “Ask” 3.Follow-Up

19 Preparation for the “Ask” Questions to ask your board/staff  How much money needs to be raised?  Who will you ask?  Who will make the ask?  Why are you asking for money?  Define a case for support Have a plan put in place  Keep it simple  Stick to it

20 Development Plan - Example

21 The “Ask” Tips for a successful ask  People give to people  Making the “ask” is much simpler when you have developed a relationship with the donor  It is a fundraisers job to provide the donor the opportunity to give There must be an actual “ask”  Incorrect: It would be great if you would make a gift to our organization.  Correct: Would you please consider a gift of a $100 to assist our organization in feeding the hungry?

22 Example of Messaging Paint a picture for the donor  Use statistics  Quotes from those who have been served  Relate their gift to a tangible item

23 Follow-Up Thank your donors time and time again  Ways to thank donors  Handwritten thank you notes  Listing donors on newsletter/annual report  Donor recognition event  Invite them to visit your organization Don’t forget about them  Cultivate loyal donors  Provide them information of how their gift is making an impact  Be responsive

24 Grant Writing Resources The Foundation Center – Funding Information Network  Database of all funders nationally  Public libraries typically have a subscription  Ability to sort funders by grant guidelines County Endowment Fund Program  Funders typically do not fund operations  Great resource for startup programs or expansion projects

25 Questions? Joe Sorenson, Manager of Affiliate Relations Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines Phone: 515-447-4210 Email: Website:

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