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Eph 3:13-33 John 3:20,21 V(13) Walk in light V(13) Make manifest V(14) Church will give you light. John 3:20,21 V(13) Walk in light V(13) Make manifest.

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Presentation on theme: "Eph 3:13-33 John 3:20,21 V(13) Walk in light V(13) Make manifest V(14) Church will give you light. John 3:20,21 V(13) Walk in light V(13) Make manifest."— Presentation transcript:


2 Eph 3:13-33

3 John 3:20,21 V(13) Walk in light V(13) Make manifest V(14) Church will give you light. John 3:20,21 V(13) Walk in light V(13) Make manifest V(14) Christ will give you light.

4 Eph 3:13-33 John 3:20,21 V(13) Walk in light V(13) Make manifest V(14) Church will give you light. Walk in Wisdom (V15) Redeem time (V16) Understand the will of the Lord (V17) Colossians 4:5 Walk in Wisdom (V15) Redeem time (V16) Understand the will of the Lord (V17)

5 Eph 3:13-33 John 3:20,21 V(13) Walk in light V(13) Make manifest V(14) Christ will give you light. Walk in Wisdom (V15) Redeem time (V16) Understand the will of the Lord (V17) Colossians 4:5 V18 Do not be drunk with wine which is dissipation Be filled with the spirit V18 Do not be drunk with wine which is dissipation Be filled with the Spirit

6  (V19)Speaking to one another in …  Psalms  Hymns  Spiritual songs  Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord

7 Eph 3:13-33 John 3:20,21 V(13) Walk in light V(13) Make manifest V(14) Church will give you light. Walk in Wisdom (V15) Redeem time (V16) Understand the will of the Lord (V12) Colossians 4:5 V18 Do not be drunk with wine which is dissipation Be filled with the spirit  Speaking to one another in… (V19)  Psalms  Hymns  Spiritual songs  Singing and making melody in your love to the Lord

8  Giving thanks always, for all things to God, the Father and in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. (V20)  Submitting to one another in the fear of God (V21)  V22-29 Marital Relationship

9 Eph 3:13-33 John 3:20,21 V(13) Walk in light V(13) Make manifest V(14) Church will give you light. Walk in Wisdom (V15) Redeem time (V16) Understand the will of the Lord (V12) Colossians 4:5 V18 Do not be drunk with wine which is dissipation Be filled with the spirit  Speaks to one who… (V19)  Giving thanks always, for all things to God, the father and in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. (V20)  Submitting to one who with fear of God (V21)  V22-29 Marital Relationship  Psalms  Hymns  Spiritual songs  Singing and making melody in your love to the Lord

10  V30 Church  V31 Leave and Cleave  V32 Mystery-Christ & Church  V33 Love and Respect

11 Eph 3:13-33 John 3:20,21 V(13) Walk in light V(13) Make manifest V(14) Church will give you light. Walk in Wisdom (V15) Redeem time (V16) Understand the will of the Lord (V12) Colossians 4:5 V18 Do not be drunk with wine which is dissipation Be filled with the spirit  Speaks to one who… (V19)  Giving thanks always, for all things to God, the father and in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. (V20)  Submitting to one who with fear of God (V21)  V22-29 Marital Relationship  Psalms  Hymns  Spiritual songs  Singing and making melody in your love to the Lord  V30 Church  V31 Leave and Cleave  V32 Mystery of Christ and the Church  V33 Love and Respect

12 Walk just as He (Jesus) walked. 1 John 2:6 Walk just as He (Jesus) walked. 1 John 2:6

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