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RTPI Education Commission Reported in 2003 Increase the supply of an effective cadre of planners and technical support Recognise the growing global and.

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Presentation on theme: "RTPI Education Commission Reported in 2003 Increase the supply of an effective cadre of planners and technical support Recognise the growing global and."— Presentation transcript:

1 RTPI Education Commission Reported in 2003 Increase the supply of an effective cadre of planners and technical support Recognise the growing global and international context for planning Create and foster an educational continuum Support and enhance the value of planning courses Promote inclusivity, opportunity and flexibility Support the development of skills, knowledge and competencies of practitioners throughout their working lives

2 Where are we? Intensive Masters Degrees Partnership Approach New Schools APC & Licentiate Membership Learning Partnerships Associate Membership

3 Intensive Masters degrees One year full time, two year part-time Bursaries from ODPM/DCLG Uplift in recruitment to Masters degrees Some uplift in undergraduate recruitment at larger schools Potential danger: decline of undergraduate education as some schools close U/G provision

4 Partnership Boards Represents each established accredited school Members from academia, practice & the RTPI Partnership approach to accreditation Creative, innovative, flexible Employer involvement important Developmental plus scrutiny function

5 New Planning Schools ‘Provisional accreditation’ introduced for new schools this year Others seeking accreditation – UK and Overseas New undergraduate as well as postgraduate courses Combined, specialist or spatial qualifications

6 Assessment of Professional Competence & Licentiate Membership More structured, supportive route More rigorous test of competence Reflective log book Professional Development Planning Access to a mentor Detailed written report New Licentiate class to support graduates

7 Associate Membership New membership class Structured route to membership for those without an accredited planning qualification Promoting professional development and career pathways Involving the wider planning community and allied profession in the activities of the Institute Scheduled roll out December 2006

8 Learning Partnerships Aimed at employers of Planners including interdisciplinary practices Benchmarking & promoting best practice in training & development Benefit employees by assisting with training, development & CPD Benefit employers by promoting excellent practice, benefiting recruitment & retention Emerging 2006

9 Future Work – Education Review undergraduate provision Develop advanced certificates Encourage professional doctorates Develop Foundation Degrees Review and develop interdisciplinary learning Review and develop the role of distance learning Review the impact of Bologna Declaration Review the impact of changes in fees and funding Continue to promote and support the development of existing and new planning courses in the UK and overseas

10 Future Work - Lifelong Learning & CPD Work to adopt a more structured & progressive approach to CPD & Lifelong Learning Development of a Lifelong Learning Strategy Accreditation of providers? Advanced Certificates Provision of courses for support staff

11 Future Work – Membership & Careers Better promotion of planning as career choice More structured engagement with the national curriculum Review Membership continuum Continue to roll out and monitor APC Better promotion of Technical Membership Addressing questions of diversity & equal opportunity

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