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Spain 2007 Continued…. Barcelona: Joan Miró Barcelona.

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Presentation on theme: "Spain 2007 Continued…. Barcelona: Joan Miró Barcelona."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spain 2007 Continued…

2 Barcelona: Joan Miró


4 Barcelona


6 Boys choir of Monterossa

7 Cathedral of Sevilla

8 Sevilla: Plaza de España


10 One of my two offices in Sevilla: 100 Mondaditos.

11 One of Sevilla’s five new modern bridges over the Rio Guadalquiver.

12 How to address Sevilla’s parking hassles? Get a small car and create your own spot!

13 A young peacenik at a street-march, protesting against the presence of NATO bases in Spain.

14 Not your grandmother’s art: Plaza Nuevo, Sevilla.

15 Casa de Contratación: This is where all the gold and silver of the Americas came in the 16 th century.

16 Cordoba: Mezquita, 10 th century Islamic mosque. The striped pattern results from alternating brick and stone.

17 One of the great exterior doors of the Mezquita.

18 1000 yr. old home in the Jewish quarter of Cordoba.

19 Cadíz

20 Cadíz: Carnival.

21 Carnaval: Scary pirates.

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