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© HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance What did 9/11 reveal about the United States of America?

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1 © HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance What did 9/11 reveal about the United States of America?

2 © HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance Objectives In this activity you will: Discuss how 9/11 changed the USA. Debate whether something ‘good’ can come out of something ‘bad’. Understand the significance of 9/11 by looking at its impact on the USA.

3 © HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance What is going on in this photograph? Do you find it shocking? Why?

4 © HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance What was 9/11? On 11 September 2001, thousands of people were going about their daily business in the ‘Twin Towers’ of the World Trade Centre in New York. Suddenly, out of a clear blue sky, an airliner crashed into one of the towers, followed later by a second plane into the other tower. All over the world, viewers watched live coverage as trapped individuals jumped to their deaths from upper floors and as the towers subsequently collapsed.

5 © HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance What was 9/11? ‘Windows were shattered’, said one eyewitness, ‘people were screaming and diving for cover… walking around like ghosts, covered in dirt, weeping and wandering dazed.’ Another hi-jacked airliner smashed into the Pentagon in Washington, while a fourth plane crash-landed in a field after passengers and crew tried to overpower the terrorists. Nearly 3000 people died that day, including 19 of Al-Qaeda’s hijackers. America and the world were profoundly shocked.

6 © HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance To get you thinking… Why did Al-Qaeda attack the USA? Why did they target the Twin Towers? Is using violent methods ever justified in trying to get what you want?

7 © HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance How did the USA react to 9/11? Huge amounts of money was raised. Offers to donate blood soared. All flights were grounded. Hate crimes against anyone with ‘a Middle Eastern appearance’ grew. A mosque was firebombed. Sikhs were victimised when they were mistaken for Muslims.

8 © HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance What did 9/11 reveal about the USA? New laws were passed. A Department of Homeland Security was created, giving government agents more powers. A ‘War on Terror’ was launched, which overthrew the Taliban government in Afghanistan in 2002. Iraq was invaded in 2003 – one reason given was the belief that it was sheltering Al-Qaeda.

9 © HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance What did 9/11 reveal about the USA? In what ways did 9/11 reveal the following about the USA? Fear Patriotism Religious Intolerance Lack of knowledge of the outside world Strength Vengeance Conspiracy

10 © HarperCollins Publishers 2010 Significance What did 9/11 reveal about the USA? Which points do you think are the most important in what they reveal about the country? Why? Which points do you think are the least important in what they reveal about the country? Why?

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