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Instructor Info Andrew Roberts 7 year participant in Science Olympiad Multi event medal winner at regional at state tournaments Coached.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructor Info Andrew Roberts 7 year participant in Science Olympiad Multi event medal winner at regional at state tournaments Coached."— Presentation transcript:


2 Instructor Info Andrew Roberts 7 year participant in Science Olympiad Multi event medal winner at regional at state tournaments Coached State Champions in Wright Stuff 4 year SO Summer Camp Instructor Science Olympiad student intern

3 Process Read and understand the rules Research Design Build Test Analyze Fix

4 Important Rules Build up to 2 rockets before the tournament that carry a grade A egg MUST WEAR SAFTRY GLASSES Nothing within 5 cm of the nozzle Can use any recovery system

5 Important Rules Rockets will use 2 liter soda bottles Launched at 75 psi Best single rocket time will win Will receive extra 15 seconds if egg doesn’t break extra 3 seconds if egg detaches from pressure chamber

6 What makes it work? 1. Water is poured into the pressure chamber 2. Air is then pumped into the bottle. 3. When the rocket is released, the air forces the water out of the bottle. 4. Newton’s Third Law of Motion kicks in

7 Parts of the Rocket and Forces

8 Pressure Chamber 2 Litter soda bottle Do not cut or scratch the pressure chamber. Can glue fins to pressure chamber with silicone or polyurethane glues. If pressure chamber is damaged it will not be launched

9 Fins Fins keep the rocket stable in flight There must be at least 3 Fins must be ridged Backswept fins work best

10 Fin Shapes

11 What does it mean to be stable? Stability:the tendency of the rocket to return to equilibrium This means if the rocket begins to veer, it will straighten back up on its own. To be stable, the center of mass must be closer to the top of the rocket than the center of pressure

12 Nose Cones Popular types: Conical Blunted Conical Elliptical Spherical Nose cones reduce drag Conical are easy to make but can be difficult to get straight.

13 Recovery Systems A recovery system is something that slows the rockets decent. The two most popular at the parachute and the back- slider

14 Recovery Systems The velocity of a falling object can be shown as follows where v(t) is velocity, g is acceleration do to gravity, c is the coefficient of air resistance, t is time, and v(0) is initial velocity. C is much larger for a parachute than a backslider; therefore, it will fall much more slowly

15 Parachute Parachutes work best but are harder to get to work consistently The size needs to match the rocket. It should have 8 to 10 strings Fold it like an accordion and then wrap extra string around it to keep it folded

16 Making a Parachute Cut Here

17 Making a Parachute

18 Backslider Backslider is made by making the center of gravity close to the center of pressure This prevents the rocket from turning over at apogee and instead floating down on its side. Fins on this type of rocket should be larger to help slow it down.

19 Example Backslider

20 Examples

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