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Bottle Rockets - B 2010-11 CeAnn Chalker

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Presentation on theme: "Bottle Rockets - B 2010-11 CeAnn Chalker"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bottle Rockets - B 2010-11 CeAnn Chalker

2 Disclaimer This presentation was prepared using draft rules. There may be some changes in the final copy of the rules. The rules which will be in your Coaches Manual and Student Manuals will be the official rules.

3 Bottle Rockets Teams will design, construct, and launch rockets to stay aloft the greatest amount of time.

4 Event Parameters 2 rockets are prebuilt by team members Eye Protection #5 must be worn Event Supervisor provides the launcher and water

5 Construction - Parameters Rockets must be made out of a 2-liter or smaller plastic carbonated beverage bottle Inside diameter of nozzle of approximately 2.2 cm Only ONE 2 liter or smaller plastic carbonated bottle will be used as the pressure vessel for each rocket

6 Construction - Parameters Label must be presented if removed Structural integrity of pressure vessel may not be altered. For example: Physical damage Thermal damage Chemical damage Safety check will be done

7 Construction – Parameters Adhesives that may be used to attach components to the pressure vessel are limited to: Tape Glue Silicone Polyurethane based Others that do not damage the structural integrity of the pressure vessel

8 More Construction All parts must be 5 cm above the level of the bottle’s opening (nothing may break this plane)(no tethering allowed)

9 Construction – Nose Cone Nose of the rocket must be rounded or blunt (min. 2.5 centimeters) at the tip. Nothing sharp, pointed, or rigid spike regardless of material used.

10 Restrictions No metal may be used in the construction of the rocket. No commercial model rocket parts. No explosives, gases (except air), electronic devices, elastic, throwing, remote, chemical or pyrotechnics allowed

11 Competition Walk in event or sign up event Wear safety glasses Students will add water, launch, and retrieve their rockets 10 minutes to launch 1 or 2 rockets (only 1 launch per rocket) Rockets launched before time expires will be scored

12 Competition - Launching Rockets launched using launcher provided by the supervisor Only water/air pressure will be used for energy to the rockets Rocket will be launched at 75 psi Once rocket is pressurized, no one may touch or approach the rocket

13 Competition - Timing Timing begins when the rocket separates from the launcher. Timing ends when any part of the rocket touches the ground, rests on an obstruction, or goes out of sight.

14 Scoring Greatest time aloft of any single rocket recorded to the nearest hundredth of a second.

15 Scoring - Violations Tier 1 Rockets that stay intact during launch and flight Tier 2 Rockets whose parts become detached while aloft Tier 3 Rockets with construction violations not related to safety Participation Points Safety violations (including no goggles) will not launch

16 Tie Breaker Better score of the other rocket of the tied team’s

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