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President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are participating in “Let’s Move!” A Message from the President.

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Presentation on theme: "President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are participating in “Let’s Move!” A Message from the President."— Presentation transcript:

1 President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are participating in “Let’s Move!” A Message from the President

2 Marathon long-distance race: a long-distance footrace run over a distance of 26 miles 385 yards; difficult undertaking: a lengthy and difficult task, event, or activity; endurance test: a test of endurance, especially in a competition. What is a marathon? Photo courtesy of Sura Nualpradid/

3 A marathon is 26 miles long. That’s like… How long is a marathon? …walking from DFS to Go Greenly 26 times!! …walking from DFS to Indian Ledge Park 9 times!! …walking from DFS to the Beardsley Zoo 6 times!!

4 Who participates in marathons? Source: Elsa/Getty Images North America) Credit: Associated Press

5 Rod Dixon came up with a way for kids like YOU to participate in a marathon. What About Kids?

6 Rod Dixon won an Olympic bronze medal in the 1500 meters race in the 1972 Olympics. Who is Rod Dixon? Rod Dixon is the founder of Kid’s Marathon. Rod Dixon won the 1983 New York City Marathon. Rod Dixon is a two-time World Cross Country Championship Medalist.

7 This year, Daniels Farm School is participating in Rod Dixon’s Kid’s Marathon. YOU Can Do It!

8 If you participate in this exciting new program, you will run or walk your way to 26.2 miles in just 8 weeks! It will help you be healthy, stay fit, and accomplish a big goal!

9 Every day, during recess, take some time to laps around the schoolyard. Grab your friends and do it together! Just a few laps each day… Photo: ALAMY

10 All DFS Kid's Marathon participants will receive a training manual. It will explain how many laps you should complete each day. Your laps will add up to an amazing 25 MILES! Keep Track of Your Progress

11 The Student Lap Tracker ID Card Keep track of your laps each day using your very own ID Card. Parents and teachers will scan your card after each lap. You can log on to your computer at home and show your family how many laps you finished during recess. They will be so proud of you!

12 DFS Kid’s Marathoners are invited to Danbury High School on May 31st to finish the last mile of the 26-mile marathon together. You will march on the track with your friends with the DFS banner and flag just like the athletes in the Olympics do! The Big Final Mile Event

13 You will finish the last mile with lots of other Kid’s Marathon participants in front of cheering fans. Finishing is Winning!

14 Take Home a Kid’s Marathon Medal! You will be a Marathon Finisher! You will be a winner because you finished!

15 Kids Talk about Kid’s Marathon! Seth and Chris at 32 nd Street School

16 Raise your hands if you can’t wait to participate in Daniels Farm School’s Kid’s Marathon!

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