Core Training- Easy Routines To Do Anywhere, Any Time Jennifer Butcher Fitness Instructor Washington State School for the Blind.

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1 Core Training- Easy Routines To Do Anywhere, Any Time Jennifer Butcher Fitness Instructor Washington State School for the Blind

2 Balance Right and Left Foot Raises Standing comfortably lift one leg bent at knee, foot facing backwards and hold for 15 seconds Switch to other leg

3 Standing comfortably but straight, lift one leg bent at knee, foot facing backwards and hold for 15 seconds Bend slowly at the waist as low as you can while maintaining your balance Stand back up While working through this exercise squeeze your belly button in towards your spine hold as tight as you can to help maintain balance Remember to breathe Repeat three to five times then switch legs and repeat Balance Hinge Right and Left Foot Raises

4 Table Postures Get on your hands and knees on your mat Keep your back flat – move arms forward as needed to flatten your back Squeeze belly button into your spine Keep breathing While in this position raise one arm out straight ahead and bring to ear level Hold for 15 seconds Switch to other side After working arms move to your legs Straighten one leg out behind you and raise leg off of mat Hold for 15 seconds Repeat with other leg Keep back and legs in a straight plane After working legs move into arms and legs together Straighten one arm and the opposite leg Hold for 15 seconds Very slowly bring elbow of raised arm and knee of raised leg together under your chest not touching the mat, bring in and out, in and out in a smooth swinging motion Repeat 15 times Repeat with other side

5 Table Postures

6 Holding Push-up Move in to a push-up position with hands directly under shoulders Toes in contact with the mat Keeping body completely flat, lift body off the ground so that only your toes and hands are in contact with the mat Keep your body in a flat plane Hold for 15 seconds Slowly move into a full push-up and repeat entire exercise three to five times If a push-up is too difficult start with a modified push-up where your knees remain on the mat, back and bottom in a straight plane You can modify more by raising your feet off the mat, bending your leg at the knee

7 Planks Lie face down on the mat Bring your hands to your shoulders on the mat, keep elbows close to body but be relaxed Have toes pointing downwards to mat Raise your body up with forearms remaining in contact with the mat Keep body in a flat plane Hold for 15 seconds, lower to floor and the repeat two more times for a total of three

8 Forward Curl-ups Lie on your back, bend knees, place hands on thighs Tighten abdominals and lift so hands slide up legs to knee caps Lower back down Remember to keep back flat Repeat 15 times When you get to number fifteen you hold at the top for fifteen seconds

9 Side Crunches Lie on your back, raise foot and place ankle on knee Place opposite hand under head and do a side crunch for fifteen repetitions At fifteen hold in raised position for 15 seconds Repeat with other side

10 Reverse Bridge Lie on back on mat Bend knees, keep feet flat on mat Lay arms stretched out, palms down, flat on mat, hands next to hips Lift hips upwards, hold for fifteen seconds To increase difficulty, raise one leg while in lifted position making sure knees remain at an equal level

11 Supine Leg Lifts Lie on back, legs straight, toes pointed up, arms resting flat on the mat with hands by the hips Slightly pressing down, lift legs off the mat into the air, pointing toes, and lower down with feet flexed towards you Make sure the legs are completely straight during the exercise Do not have hands placed under the bottom If legs hit mat noisily then slow the movement down Repeat 15 times

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