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Social Construction of Reality Theory: Post-Modernism –Abstract thoughts Applications to Gender Relations –How did I get to be gendered?

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Presentation on theme: "Social Construction of Reality Theory: Post-Modernism –Abstract thoughts Applications to Gender Relations –How did I get to be gendered?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Construction of Reality Theory: Post-Modernism –Abstract thoughts Applications to Gender Relations –How did I get to be gendered?

2 Social Construction of Reality Our view of reality may not be entirely, or even mainly, “rational" or objective but may rather be a Human/Social Construction of Reality that is itself based on the promptings and cues provided by innate Human Nature.

3 We take our everyday world for granted –Originates in thoughts and actions, we maintain these realities as we live, as we think and act –Because reality is in our heads, it is then embedded in the inter-subjective meanings (we share an idea of reality) –Part A: I know the world consists of multiple realities –Part B: I move from one reality to another –Part C: I experience this transition as a kind of shock –Part D: My attentiveness and perspective shift

4 Here and now = normal –Tools –Beliefs: God is an old man In this class, you experience a shift in the here and now –God is or might be a SHE

5 Application Gendered Identities –Socially constructed, both voluntarily and involuntarily –Forced, sanctioned, physically beaten into acting one way Ex. Gay Bashing –Becoming gendered can be easy or torturous Suppress their sense of themselves to survive

6 Gender Definition of Gender –Is a set of activities –Is something we “do” –It is a managed property We don’t have it, we do it. We do it in every situation, in every interaction, and in every institution. –We bring gender, we produce our gender and we keep re-producing it.

7 Gender Identity Based on differences Based on power

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