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Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) Fred McClurg Neil Nuehring New Features and Improvements in REDCap 6.1.4.

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Presentation on theme: "Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) Fred McClurg Neil Nuehring New Features and Improvements in REDCap 6.1.4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) Fred McClurg Neil Nuehring New Features and Improvements in REDCap 6.1.4

2 New Features Overview Survey Access Codes:  Access Code  Short Code  QR Code Survey Login Survey Settings (Hide/Show “1 of x pages”) Data Export, Reports, and Stats  New Report Builder  Report User Access  Report Fields  Report Filters  Easier Data Export Questions

3 New Survey Access Codes and QR Codes

4 Survey Access Code & Short Code Addresses Requirement:  When survey URL is published on paper  When respondent is nearby using a mobile How it works:  Participant navigates to bookmarked URL:  Participant enters alphanumeric code in text: Permanent access: 9 character access code One hour access: 5 character short code

5 Survey Access Code & QR Code Manage Survey Participants: Public Survey Link Tab

6 Survey Access Code & QR Code Manage Survey Participants: Participant List Tab

7 Survey Access Code Page “Survey Access Code” is not the same as the “Return Code” “Survey Access Code” is not case sensitive

8 Survey Access Code & QR Code Dialog

9 Addresses Requirement:  When survey URL is published on paper  When respondent is nearby using a mobile How it works:  Alternative to Survey Access Code  QR Codes available for all survey links  Respondent with QR Code Scanner can quickly navigate to survey on device without typing Survey QR Code

10 New Survey Login

11 Survey Login Addresses Requirement: o Provides additional security for starting surveys o Improved login when “Save & Return Later” option enabled How it works:  Participant enters one, two, or three project fields used for login credentials

12 Survey Login: Setup & Fields To set up Survey Login: 1.Select “Enabled” on the “Enable Survey Login?” option 2.Specify one, two, or three login fields for the user to complete

13 Survey Login: Customizations For Survey Login customizations: 1.Select number of fields required for login 2.Specify which survey (or all surveys except public) has login capability 3.Enter an error message that is displayed upon unsuccessful login

14 Survey Login: Security Settings For Security Settings: 1.Enter number of failed login attempts 2.Enter lock out time after failed login

15 Survey Login Dialog Survey Login setting displays a login screen which requires a login before being granted access to the survey. Survey remains active for 20 minutes after successful login.

16 Modify Completed Survey

17 Addresses Requirement: o Allow respondents to update survey data (e.g. contact information) How to Enable:  Edit Instruments  Survey Settings

18 Modify Completed Survey Addresses Requirement: o Allow respondents to update survey data (e.g. contact information) How it works:  Found on Survey Settings page via “Save & Return Later” section  Enable Return Code when completing partially completed surveys (existing)  Check Return Code when returning to completed surveys for editing (new)  Respondents can to return to completed survey for editing

19 Modify Completed Survey Addresses Requirement: o Allow respondents to update survey data (e.g. contact information) How to Enable:  Or enable Survey Login instead of return code when returning to completed surveys (new)

20 New Survey Settings

21 Display or Hide “1 page of x” Addresses Requirement: o Due to branching logic, “1 page of x” may have been misleading How it works:  Option “Question Display Format” section via Survey Settings page  Enable/Disable display page number on multiple page surveys

22 Public Survey Easier to Type Addresses Requirement: o Public Survey hash was difficult to type Improvement:  Public Surveys now have more human- readable hash  Hash characters are now less likely to be mistyped

23 Data Exports, Reports and Stats

24 Data Exports, Reports, and Stats Addresses Requirement: o Capability lacking in Report Builder Improvements:  Single module replaces Report Builder, Reports, Data Export Tool, and Graphical Data View & Stats page  Zip file export of uploaded files  Each report has user access settings to restrict access to Specific Users, User Roles, or Data Access Groups  Limiters in reports are now called “filters”  Filters do not have to be included as a field in the report  AND/OR logic is available  Report columns can be reordered using drag-n-drop  Survey timestamp fields can be displayed  Data from specific events (longitudinal projects) can be displayed  Three sorting fields

25 Data Exports, Reports, and Stats

26 Create New or Edit Existing Report

27 Grant all users access to view report Report Step 1: User Access Or grant a set of users access to view report

28 Define fields Type or select drop-down Delete fields Reorder fields Add all fields from instrument Include DAG group Report Step 2: Fields to Include

29 A filter allows you define a criteria in order to narrow the data displayed Report Step 3: Filters

30 Logic using “AND” and “OR” can be applied to a filter Report Step 3: Simple Logic Filter

31 Advanced Logic filter using “AND” and “OR” can be specified Report Step 3: Advanced Logic Filter

32 Addresses Requirement: o Previously minimal logic in report filtering Improvements:  contains(): Does text contain another string?  not_contain(): Does text not contain another string?  starts_with(): Does text start with another string?  ends_with(): Does text end with another string? New Filter Functions

33 Advanced Report Logic Or using advanced logic: ( [first_name] = "" ) OR ( [last_name] = "") Filter to display empty fields is now possible:

34 A filter can be defined to display only values from an Event or a Data Access Group (DAG) Report Step 3: Event or DAG Filters

35 Three fields can be selected to specify a sort order. Report Step 4: Order Results (sort)

36 View Report

37 Export Data

38 Stats & Graphs

39 Questions?

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