Presentation to Suburban Councillors February 2015.

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1 Presentation to Suburban Councillors February 2015

2 BBSS Challenge Suburbs deserve the same design attention as other parts of the City – opportunity to improve suburban design for better functionality and livability. Higher densities are working to hold the urban boundary, increase diversity of dwelling types, and support transit – BUT also leading to conflicts between parking, trees, snow storage, sidewalks, and underground utilities. Need for new approaches to suburban design that resolves conflicts in new neighbourhoods and continues to support intensification.

3 Street Network and Land Use #2 Pedestrian and cycling facilities and traffic calming measures as part of initial street design in new plans of subdivision.

4 Parks and Open Space #1 Following the investigation of Strategic Direction #1, revise the Park and Pathway Development Manual to add an appropriate range of new smaller park typologies.

5 Stormwater Management #1 Consider the use of portions of parks and open space systems for emergency stormwater conveyance and storage, where appropriate.

6 Stormwater Management #2 Evaluate options for reducing land requirements associated with SWM functions.

7 School Sites #1 Prioritize safe walking and cycling for children around schools by ensuring that plans of subdivision identify pedestrian and cycling facilities and traffic calming measures in appropriate locations in proximity to schools. Existing conditions Safer crossings

8 School Sites #3 Develop a protocol to allow developers the opportunity to make temporary use of optioned school sites.

9 Parking #1 Revise parking and setback provisions in the zoning by-law.

10 Parking #1 Revise parking and setback provisions in the zoning by-law: Consider minimum parking space dimensions inside garages, in consultation with the development industry.

11 Parking #1 Consider reducing garage projections and linking the permission for such projections to the provision of architectural features that can mitigate impacts on the quality of the streetscape. Left: inappropriate garage projection – no features to mitigate garage dominance on streetscape Right: same lot, same garage projection – but acceptable because of living space above garage

12 Parking #2 Consider the introduction of new zoning regulations: Link lot width to front parking access permission, which may require very narrow townhouse lots to have rear lane or rear-access parking. Narrow townhouse lots with driveway-dominated streetscape Townhouse lots with rear-access parking or rear lanes result in improved streetscape

13 Parking #2 Consider the introduction of new zoning regulations: Minimum spacing between driveways and curb-cuts in order to allow at least one on-street parking space between driveways or paired driveways.

14 Road Right-of-Way #1 New right-of-way cross sections to give additional options for street designs in new plans of subdivision.

15 Road Right-of-Way #1 New right-of-way cross sections… streets that accommodate canopy trees.

16 Road Right-of-Way #1 New right-of-way cross sections… Local street or street segment with a reduced design speed to discourage speeding and improve safety.

17 Road Right-of-Way #1 New right-of-way cross sections… innovative stormwater management strategies and Green Streets.

18 Road Right-of-Way #1 New right-of-way cross sections… Arterial roads designed for street-front retail uses, on-street parking and cycling facilities.

19 Road Right-of-Way #1 Develop a series of new right-of-way cross sections that will ex­pand the menu of approved street types in order to give additional options for street designs in new plans of subdivision. New street types to consider include: Complete Streets that best accommodate all road users, where appropriate, as recommended by the Complete Streets policies in the Transportation Master Plan.

20 Rear Lanes #1 Revise Urban Design Guidelines for Greenfield Neighbourhoods and Zoning By-law to provide a framework for rear lanes or de­velopment with rear-access parking, according to findings from Strategic Directions.

21 Rear Lanes #2 New rear lane block designs.

22 Trees #2 Update submission requirements for geotechnical assessments for Plans of Subdivisions to include more precise parameters for determining the type (plasticity and sensitivity) of clay soils that may be present.

23 Trees #5 Review options for giving developers credit for retaining and/or transplanting mature trees in new plans of subdivision.

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