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Irayda Oviedo Rivero Center of Information Management and Energy Development (CUBAENERGÍA) 37th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison.

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Presentation on theme: "Irayda Oviedo Rivero Center of Information Management and Energy Development (CUBAENERGÍA) 37th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison."— Presentation transcript:

1 Irayda Oviedo Rivero Center of Information Management and Energy Development (CUBAENERGÍA) 37th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers 14-15 October 2014, Vienna, Austria Present and Future of INIS in Cuba

2 The leading information system on peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology Established in 1970 by the IAEA International Nuclear Information System (INIS) Article III.A.3 … to foster the exchange of scientific & technical information on the peaceful uses of atomic energy Definition of Membership Arrangements for INIS (document GOV/INF/2000/21 issued on 5 September 2000) Cuba is member since 1980 Source: Taghrid ATIEH. International Nuclear Information System (INIS). ICSTI, Rome, Italy 17-18 May 2012 127 Member States and 24 International Organization Every INIS Member is represented by a Liaison Officer

3 INIS is cooperative, dynamic and decentralized

4 Working Staff –Cuban INIS Centre INIS Centre; Information management Manuel Álvarez González- ILO; Irayda Oviedo Alternate ILO; inputs process; Miriam Amado- inputs process; Belkis Yera- RRIAN; Marianela Parés- search; Ramiro Guerra- metrics studies; Jesús Gil- web manager Isotopes management; nuclear medicine Adela Peña Tornet- RRIAN Nuclear application Natacha Quintana- inputs process; RRIAN Mathematics and Physics Nilda Garzón- information collection Nuclear safety Luz María Cusidó; Mileydis Lageiras – information collection Teaching Lauren Elías, nuclear knowledge management; María Teresa Sánchez Rivera, thesis information collection

5 113 Producers and recipients of nuclear literature 113 Producers and recipients of nuclear literature (27, 60, 20, 6) Source: Homemade

6 Cuban INIS Activities International Information Congress, INFO (2010, 2012, 2014 show the INIS development) Other activities Monthly publication that promotes peaceful use of nuclear energy in Cuba and the world Scientific publication related to nuclear science and technology national and international and its application in health, agriculture, industry and environment Promotion and Training Monthly publication promoting a culture in Nuclear Knowledge Management and Energy Knowledge Management Fundamentals of Radiation Protection. Nuclear Information Management Module CPHR, May and November 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 more than 240 specialists have been trained Yearly training to the national INIS staffDatePlace 1985, 1993, 1994, 1995, 2003, 2009, 2013 Vienna, Austria 1989 Moscow, URSS 1989, 1997, 2008, 2009 Rio J., Brazil 1998 Nueva Delhi, India 1999Asunción, Paraguay

7 Papers that show metric studies on INIS Database conferences/symposium/poster presentation Other studies 1.Cubaenergia 2014. Cuban scientific production in the period 2006- 2013. Oviedo Rivero, Irayda; Medina García, Dulce; Amado Picasso, Miriam 2.XIII WONP-VII NURT, February 7-11, 2011. “The WONP-NURT corpus as nuclear knowledge base for text mining in the INIS database”, Guerra, R 3.November 29-December 3. SIGEDI. Presence of distributed generation on the International Nuclear Information System (INIS). Oviedo Rivero, Irayda; Pares Ferrer, Marianela, Gonzalez Garcia, Alejandro 4.May 2011. CUBAENERGIA. Forum of Science and Technology. INIS NCL on line Catalog. Ramiro Guerra, Ernesto Nolasco. CUBASOLAR 2012. Presence of Renewable Energy Sources on INIS database

8 Cuban INIS PRODUCTION STATISTICS Cuban position Year200820092010201120122013 Input121158104282154147 Position494148324036 Total of country 144158104152153238 Voluntary inputs 2012-13: 101 2014: 156 Planning national inputs 2014- 200 2015- 300

9 Cuban publications in INIS database

10 Technical Cooperation Projects: RRIAN - Latin American Information Network in the Nuclear Area Document delivery ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Regional cooperation for document exchange keeps contributing to widen the availability of nuclear information in Latin America, one of RRIAN’s objectives. Graphic 1: RRIAN - Document exchange 1980- ARCAL 10 (Creation of INIS Centers) 1999-2000 ARCAL 42, RLA 0/017 ( Strengthening of INIS centers; document supply) 2013-2015 RLA 0/048 PC, Scanner and Software

11 Digitalization and Knowledge Preservation Digitalized documents in the period Dec 2013- Jul. 2014 Planning for 2015- 17 DocumentCantPageAvailable T- Thesis pre grade (1978-2000) 2362- DocumentCantPageAvailable International Symposium: Physics on the 150th Anniversary of Max Planck Birth (Identified by Conference Authority Tool (CAT)) 1103In INIS database Type of DocumentQuantityAvailable T- Thesis master degree (2000- 2010)580 INIS DB full text National repository International Nuclear Library Network (INLN) T- Thesis doctorate (2000- 2010)236

12 Increase the impact of INIS inputs; by increasing: -number and type of inputs at the INIS DB, specially full text -the authors feedback -timeliness of our national literature in the INIS Collection; Continue working together: -RRIAN – Regional Network in a Nuclear Area Information -Latin American Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (LANENT) Integration into: -National repository -International Nuclear Library Network (INLN) Strengthen the Communication Strategy Outreach and promotion - Second National INIS Workshop on 2015 (35th anniversary of INIS in Cuba) Future

13 Thank you

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