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Connectors. Using connectors will allow you to express your ideas better, and allow your writing to flow. Connectors can be classified by grammar (coordinating.

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Presentation on theme: "Connectors. Using connectors will allow you to express your ideas better, and allow your writing to flow. Connectors can be classified by grammar (coordinating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connectors

2 Using connectors will allow you to express your ideas better, and allow your writing to flow. Connectors can be classified by grammar (coordinating conjunctions [ 등위 접속사 ] or subordinating conjunctions [ 종속 접속사 ]) or function. We will look at function. Contrasting Ideas In One Sentence the exam was difficult, all students passed. All students passed the exam was difficult. Contrasting Ideas Between Two sentences/Paragraphs. Anthony’s exam was difficult. Jean-Luc’s exam was quite easy. Although Though Even though While although though even though However, In contrast, Conversely,

3 Connectors Using connectors will allow you to express your ideas better, and allow your writing to flow. Connectors can be classified by grammar (coordinating conjunctions [ 등위 접속사 ] or subordinating conjunctions [ 종속 접속사 ]) or function. We will look at function. Other Contrasting Words On the other hand – used to compare two aspects of the same idea (On one hand,) Korea is small. On the other hand, it has a large population. Whereas, Yet, While – use for direct contrast Whereas Jean-Luc’s exam was difficult, Anthony’s was easy. Anthony’s exam was easy, while Jean-Luc’s was difficult. Unlike – show how two things are different. Unlike Anthony’s exam, Jean-Luc’s exam was very easy. Instead – shows one thing was chosen while another was not I couldn’t take John’s class. Instead, I took Anthony’s. Even so - introduces an idea that is somehow different from what has just been said Anthony’s exam was very difficult. Even so, I got an 96% on it.

4 Connectors Using connectors will allow you to express your ideas better, and allow your writing to flow. Connectors can be classified by grammar (coordinating conjunctions [ 등위 접속사 ] or subordinating conjunctions [ 종속 접속사 ]) or function. We will look at function. Concession / Unexpected Results In One Sentence the exam was difficult, all students passed. All students passed the exam was difficult. being difficult, all students passed the exam. Although Though Even though although though even though Despite In spite of 양보

5 Connectors Using connectors will allow you to express your ideas better, and allow your writing to flow. Connectors can be classified by grammar (coordinating conjunctions [ 등위 접속사 ] or subordinating conjunctions [ 종속 접속사 ]) or function. We will look at function. Other Concession Words Nevertheless / Nonetheless – in spite of something ( 그럼에도 불구하고 ) I failed Anthony’s exam. Nevertheless, I kept studying English. Admittedly - to admit something (and therefore accept the opposing side’s idea) I learned a lot in Anthony’s class. Admittedly, it was a little too difficult.

6 Connectors Using connectors will allow you to express your ideas better, and allow your writing to flow. Connectors can be classified by grammar (coordinating conjunctions [ 등위 접속사 ] or subordinating conjunctions [ 종속 접속사 ]) or function. We will look at function. Conditions in One Sentence If / Provided that – if some situation exists If Anthony’s exam is easy, I will pass it. I will pass Anthony’s exam if it is easy. Even if – despite a certain situation Even if Anthony’s exam is difficult, I will pass it. I will pass Anthony’s exam even if it is difficult. Unless –says what will happen if something else does not happen ( ~ 하지 않는 한 ) Unless Anthony’s exam is difficult, I will pass it. I will pass Anthony’s exam unless it is difficult.

7 Connectors Using connectors will allow you to express your ideas better, and allow your writing to flow. Connectors can be classified by grammar (coordinating conjunctions [ 등위 접속사 ] or subordinating conjunctions [ 종속 접속사 ]) or function. We will look at function. Cause-Effect / Results in One Sentence Since – explains why, similar to because Since I failed his exam, I couldn’t graduate. Because of / Due to – + noun (or gerund) Because of the traffic, I was late to class. I was late to class because of the traffic. Because of boring lectures, I failed the professor’s class. Due to it’s difficulty, I failed Anthony’s exam.

8 Connectors Using connectors will allow you to express your ideas better, and allow your writing to flow. Connectors can be classified by grammar (coordinating conjunctions [ 등위 접속사 ] or subordinating conjunctions [ 종속 접속사 ]) or function. We will look at function. Cause-Effect / Results Between Sentences / Paragraphs Anthony’s class was really interesting. I paid attention. *Note: Thus is very formal. Therefore, As a result, As a consequence, Consequently, Thus*

9 Connectors Using connectors will allow you to express your ideas better, and allow your writing to flow. Connectors can be classified by grammar (coordinating conjunctions [ 등위 접속사 ] or subordinating conjunctions [ 종속 접속사 ]) or function. We will look at function. Emphasis In Fact - in truth — stresses that a something is true although it may be surprising Anthony’s classes are fun. In fact, they are the best. Indeed - without any question — used to stress the truth of a statement Anthony’s classes are fun. Indeed, they are the most fun. Actually – something is true, despite other people’s expectation Many people say Anthony’s classes are difficult. Actually, they are really easy. Especially – don’t use to begin a sentence. Try “In particular,” instead

10 Connectors Using connectors will allow you to express your ideas better, and allow your writing to flow. Connectors can be classified by grammar (coordinating conjunctions [ 등위 접속사 ] or subordinating conjunctions [ 종속 접속사 ]) or function. We will look at function. Addition Anthony’s classes are fun. they are really useful. Not only…but also – to introduce additional facts in the same statement Anthony’s classes are not only fun but also useful. Besides – In addition, often follows: besides+ noun phrase Besides Anthony’s class, I also like Adam’s class. Similarity Likewise / Similarly – add information that is similar to the previous idea Anthony’s class is very fun. Likewise, / Similarly, all the teacher’s classes are fun. In addition, Moreover, Furthermore,

11 Connectors Using connectors will allow you to express your ideas better, and allow your writing to flow. Connectors can be classified by grammar (coordinating conjunctions [ 등위 접속사 ] or subordinating conjunctions [ 종속 접속사 ]) or function. We will look at function. Concluding Words Synthesizers – show how ideas relate to each other, how idea A + B + C = D (d is conclusion) certainly, indeed, overall, surely, clearly Cause-Effect / Result – shows the effect or results of your points because of this (reason), because of these (reasons), as a result, therefore, thus, hence (note: thus and hence are very formal) Signals – shows the end of your paper In conclusion, to summarize, in brief, in sum, in short, in the end

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