1 Vision. 2 GeneralSpecific 3 ‘The art or faculty of seeing.’ ‘Foresight, an appreciation of what the future may hold.’ ‘Vision is a picture of the future.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Vision. 2 GeneralSpecific 3 ‘The art or faculty of seeing.’ ‘Foresight, an appreciation of what the future may hold.’ ‘Vision is a picture of the future."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Vision

2 2 GeneralSpecific

3 3 ‘The art or faculty of seeing.’ ‘Foresight, an appreciation of what the future may hold.’ ‘Vision is a picture of the future that produces passion.’ (Bill Hybels) WHAT IS VISION? MH p.5

4 4 ‘A clear mental picture of a better tomorrow given by God which moves a person to believe that it not only could be done but should be done.’ John C Maxwell ‘Vision is what enables leaders to “see” the possible future further and more clearly than others, to be better than others at identifying opportunities and possibilities, and knowing how to respond to forthcoming events or likely situations. Vision is an essential hallmark of all the great leaders; it marks out a Moses or a Joshua, a Samuel or a David or a Nehemiah.’ Tom Marshall (from Understanding Leadership) WHAT IS VISION? (2) MH p.5

5 5 Nehemiah’s picture of how things should be GRIEF… PRAYER… VISION… CALL… PLAN NEHEMIAH’S VISION MH p.4 The news from the returned exiles

6 6 MIND THE GAP What the world is called to be What the world is like now MH p.4

7 7 Shared direction Faith and passion Energy towards the same goals The continuous involvement of new people Effective sharing of tasks and responsibilities Sacrificing short-term convenience for long term gains Common reference point for resolving conflict WHERE THERE IS VISION MH p.6

8 8 Helps you say NO Helps change Determines focus of all activities Keeps the main thing, the main thing WHERE THERE IS VISION MH p.6

9 9 Ministry is likely to be reactive and short-term There will be conflicts of expectation and direction Co-operative work is difficult Everyone does there own thing WHERE THERE IS NO VISION Where there is no vision the people perish Proverbs 29.18 (AV) Plastic Logic MH p.6

10 10 Howvisiondevelops

11 11 Listen GET VISION SHARE VISION Define Discern Confirm Own Cast From God to the world GETTING & SHARING VISION MH p.16

12 12 WHAT INSPIRES YOU? The workplace The family Wider society The church MH p.8

13 13 1.Prayer… it’s the whole surrounding climate 2.Clarify what Christian vision is HOW DOES VISION GROW & DEVELOP? MH p.9

14 14 The responsibility of the church is not simply to generate ideas (although there is a place for human creativity) nor to invent something, but discover the vision which God has for the church as a whole and for a particular local congregation. That vision will be a mixture of what we are called to be and what we are called to do. Steve Croft, Transforming Communities.

15 15 Prayer Is the vision a Christian vision? Where is the horizon (church or kingdom)? Does the vision belong to God? Does it look below the surface? Is there a gospel perspective? Is there a rhythm of fruitfulness and rest? MH p.10

16 16 3. Listen to the context and nurture the picture HOW DOES VISION GROW & DEVELOP? 1.Prayer… it’s the whole surrounding climate 2.Clarify what Christian vision is MH p.13

17 17 A Christian Vision? Listen to the Context Nurture the Picture VISION Prayer MH p.13


19 19 Reflection with others Scripture Dreams or specific visions from God Rebellion Facing the truth about what is not working Difficulty Words of wisdom, knowledge or prophecy Through other Christian leaders, books etc Through circumstances working together Through requests for help HOW DO WE CATCH THE VISION? MH p.13

20 20 1.Prayer… it’s the whole surrounding climate 2.Clarify what Christian vision is 3.Listen to the context and nurture the picture HOW DOES VISION GROW & DEVELOP? 4. Test, weigh & refine the vision MH p.14

21 21 With those you hope to serve With those you hope will serve with you With those in authority “The vision may die and be reborn” (Sue Hope) TEST, WEIGH & REFINE MH p.14

22 22 1.Prayer… it’s the whole surrounding climate 2.Clarify what Christian vision is 3.Listen to the context and nurture the picture 4.Test, weigh & refine the vision HOW DOES VISION GROW & DEVELOP? 5. Communicate the vision clearly MH p.15

23 23 By knowing and loving God and each other, we seek to enable non church people to develop a real and relevant relationship with Jesus.

24 24 1.It needs to be memorable and simple 2.It needs to make sense- realistic but faith stretching 3.Lived by the leader(s) 4.Cast it convincingly Define the problem Offer a solution Present a reason. Why now and here 5. Sticky. MH p.15

25 25 Danger of 3 primary obstacles for vision successsuccess failurefailure everything in betweeneverything in between Andy Stanley; Making Vision Stick

26 26 You are responsible for this!! Repeat it regularly- vision leaks Celebrate it at every opportunity Embrace it personally Be careful of the new Listen carefully to requests, stories & complaints

27 27 Tim Keel. Intuitive Leadership Not just search for answers & solutions Particulars of your context. Interpretation and experimentation The option to do nothing “Ministry is the by product of our pursuit of God (John 15) How are we to be the people of God-here & now

28 28 Where to position ourselves to have a good chance of catching God at work among us 1.Learning –from answers to questions 2.Vulnerability-from the head to the heart 3.Availability- from spoken words to living words 4.Stillness-from preparation to meditation 5.Surrender- from control to chaos 6.Cultivation- from programmes to environment 7.Trust- from defensiveness to creativity 8.Joy- from work to play 9.Dependence- Resolution to tension and back again

29 29 Where is your vision on the following scale? Where do you need to develop it further? What is the next practical step? WHERE ARE YOU? MH p.15 GENERAL SPECIFIC

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