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Myths About Rape. Women are raped by strangers zIn approximately half of all reported rapes, the survivor has some prior acquaintance with the rapist.

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Presentation on theme: "Myths About Rape. Women are raped by strangers zIn approximately half of all reported rapes, the survivor has some prior acquaintance with the rapist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Myths About Rape

2 Women are raped by strangers zIn approximately half of all reported rapes, the survivor has some prior acquaintance with the rapist zIncreasingly, women are being raped by husbands, dating partners and relatives

3 Rapes almost always occur in dark alleys or deserted places zThe opposite is true zMost rapes occur in or very near the survivor's residence

4 Rapists are easily identified by their demeanor or psychological profile zMost expects indicate that rapists do not differ significantly from non-rapists

5 The incidence of rape is over- reported zEstimates are that one in five rapes is reported

6 Rape only happens to people in low socioeconomic classes zRape occurs in all socioeconomic classes zEach person, male or female, young or old is a potential victim

7 There is a standard way to escape from a potential rape situation zEach rape situation is different zNo one method to avoid rape can work in every potential situation

8 Men Never get raped zHappens and is VERY under-reported

9 Rape Awareness Guidelines zNever forget that you could be a candidate for personal assault zUse approved campus security or escort services, especially at night zThink carefully about your patterns of movement to and from class or work Alter your routes frequently zWalk briskly with a sense of purpose. Do not walk alone at night

10 zDress so that the clothes you wear do not restrict your movement or make you more vulnerable zAlways be aware of your surroundings zLook over your shoulder occasionally. Know where you are so you don’t get lost zAvoid getting in a car or allowing someone to get in your car if you do not know the person well

11 zIf you think you are being followed, look for a safe retreat zThis may be a store, a fire or police station, or a group of people zBe especially cautious of first dates, blind dates, or people you meet at a party or a bar who push to be alone with you zLet trusted friends know where you are and when you plan to return

12 zKeep your car in good working order zThink beforehand how you would handle the situation should your car break down zLimit, and even avoid, alcohol to minimize the risk of assault. If you do drink, do not leave your drink unattended. Do not accept “fill-ups” from strangers. zTrust your best instincts if you are assaulted. Each situation is different. Do what you can do to protect your life.

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