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ACSIP. Beebe Middle School ACSIP Plan: Math and Literacy.

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2 Beebe Middle School ACSIP Plan: Math and Literacy

3 Math Benchmark Scores 5th grade: 75% scored proficient or advanced in 2008 (2007-65%). 6 th grade: 77.9% scored proficient or advanced in 2008 (2007-72.3%) a

4 Math Goal All students will demonstrate improvement in mathematics in all content areas, specifically in open response on data analysis/probability, numbers and operations and geometry. a

5 Math Interventions Ongoing parent involvement will improve student achievement. Beebe Middle School Teachers will use Total Instructional Alignment to ensure a cohesive, equitable education for all students. a

6 Math Interventions Point in time remediation will be provided for those students that score basic or below basic on the Augmented Benchmark exam. Beebe Middle School math teachers will provide/implement/utilize multiple instructional strategies to improve student achievement. a

7 Literacy Benchmark Scores 5th grade: 69.4% scored proficient or advanced in 2008. (2007 - 65.5%) 6th grade: 68.2% scored proficient or advanced in 2008. (2007 - 72.3%) a

8 Literacy Goal All students will demonstrate improvement in literacy skills in all content areas, specifically: open response in content, literary and practical. a

9 Literacy Interventions 5th and 6th grade Language Arts teachers will utilize the component of Literacy Lab to improve student achievement in reading. They will also use the writing component of Literacy Lab to address open response writing. a Ongoing parent involvement will improve student achievement.

10 Literacy Interventions Beebe Middle School Language Arts teachers will provide/implement/utilize multiple instructional strategies to improve student achievement. a Beebe Middle School Language Arts teachers will use total instructional alignment to ensure a cohesive, equitable education for all students.


12 Nutrition Beebe Middle School students switch back to lunch before recess to insure that all children have adequate time to eat. a

13 Physical Education Individualized Fitness Plan Pre Test and Post Test Enriched curriculum with focus on increasing participation Better communication with parents via web pages. a

14 Crisis Plan Updated plan to better use faculty without a homeroom class. a Monthly Fire Drills Four Tornado Drills A Year Visitor passes required for all guests

15 Parent Involvement.

16 Parental Involvement Beebe Middle School This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered.

17 Open House Parent Volunteers Team Family Nights Parent /Teacher Conferences Track and Field Transition Day ( next slide) Parental Involvement

18 TRANSITION DAY Previewing informationMeeting teachers Learning about middle school Moving to the music

19 Parental Involvement Teacher WebPages – Lessons, homework, news, etc Phone calls, emails, letters Parent Survey Fundraisers Awards Ceremonies

20 Overview of Test Scores - 2008 6 TH LITERACY BMS Statewide Adv/Prof 67% 64% 5 TH MATH BMS Statewide Adv/Prof 74% 67% 5 TH LITERACY BMS Statewide Adv/Prof 69% 64% 6 TH MATH BMS Statewide Adv/Prof 77% 72%

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