Structure and Function of Parliament

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1 Structure and Function of Parliament
Senate Legislative Council House of Representatives Legislative Assembly Governor-general Governor Structure and Function of Parliament Victorian and Commonwealth

2 The Australian Parliamentary System
Constitutional Monarchy Monarch (Queen of UK) Commonwealth Constitution (Commonwealth Constitutional Act (UK)) Representative democracy Political government carried out by elected representatives of the people Federation of states The Commonwealth Parliament Six state parliaments Two territory parliaments Commonwealth

3 Bicameral system – two houses of parliament
Upper House Lower House Commonwealth and all state parliaments excluding QLD and the territories operate on a bicameral system

4 Structure of Commonwealth Parliament
Queens Representative Governor-general Upper House Senate Lower House House of Representatives

5 Structure of House of Representatives (Lower House)
150 members of the House Elected every 3 years Each member represents a division of Australia Majority of the House forms government

6 Role of House of Representatives (Lower House)
Initiates and makes laws Determines the government (majority forms government) Provides responsible government Represents the people (acts as a people’s house) Politicises and scrutinises government administration Controls government expenditure

7 Structure of Senate (Upper House)
76 Senators Elected every 6 years (half elected every 3 years) Each member represents a state or territory Each state has 12 Senators Each territory has 2 Senators

8 Role of the Senate (Upper House)
Initiates and passes Bills (other than money Bills) Represents the states (acts as a states’ house) Acts as a house of review Scrutinises legislation (checks all Bills and delegated legislation) Operates as a check on government

9 Role of the Crown (Governor-general)
Gives or withholds royal assent to Bills Appoints an executive council Federal level: made up of prime minister and senior ministers State level: premier and senior ministers Can make delegated legislation Has reserve powers Power to appoint or dismiss a premier/prime minister or minister Power to dissolve the lower house

10 Structure of the Victorian Parliament
Queen’s Representative Governor Upper House Legislative Council Lower House Legislative Assembly

11 Structure of Legislative Assembly (Lower House)
88 members Elected every 4 years Each member represents a district of Victoria Majority forms government

12 Role of Legislative Assembly (Lower House)
Initiates and makes laws Determines the government Represents the people of Victoria Provides responsible government

13 Structure of Legislative Council (Upper House)
40 members Elected every 4 years Each member represents a region of Victoria 8 regions in Victoria 5 members per region

14 Role of Legislative Council (Upper House
Initiates and passes Bills (other than money Bills) Represents the regions of Victoria Acts as a house of review Scrutinises legislation Operates as a check on government

15 Role of the Crown (Governor)
Gives or withholds royal assent to Bills Appoints an executive council Federal level: made up of prime minister and senior ministers State level: premier and senior ministers Can make delegated legislation Has reserve powers Power to appoint or dismiss a premier/prime minister or minister Power to dissolve the lower house

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